Is there a way to get the map to continuously scroll without seeing the gray area? As an example, GoogleMaps, MapQuest, etc.. let you scroll left to right without getting to the "end of the world", it just continues to wrap around. I'm trying to avoid seeing the gray when I scroll too far left or right. The feature for WPF will be available with R3 2016 in September.
Many tasks on RadMap require smooth zooming for the better user experience. For example, floor plans or facility layouts. Default zoom increments are too large for those tasks. We should provide a way to make zoom smooth while keeping zoom level as integer value.
Export RadMap to screenshot. WPF: We will add ExportToImage public method for WPF in R1 2017 with option whether to include map objects from Information/VisualizationLayer. SL: There is a Silverlight limitation in WriteableBitmap: One partial solution if you use Bing Maps in RadMap is to use the Bing REST Static Map Imagery in order to download Image replicating the current viewport and zoomlevel of the RadMap. Bing REST Static Map => Using Bing REST API with .NET => Available in R1 2017 Official Release Version.
MapPath shape doesn't support data binding on the level of the MapPathFigure and MapPathSegment in WPF. This feature is implemented in the new visualization engine -Visualization layer and the bindable wrappers - PathView, PathVigureView, PathSegementView , etc.
The UriImageProvider will support loading the geotiff image header to find the location boundaries. When the geotiff image contains this information then the GeoBounds of the UriImageProvider will be specified automatically.
RadMap Supports reading shp, kml files. Add feature to support the opposite , the items from the Visualization layer to be exported as shp, kml files.
Add ability to change visibility of the information layer depending on the zoom range.
The RadMap.Providers property should support databinding to a collection of MapProviderBase in a ViewModel.
Currently only Mercator projection is supported. We should add support for other projections. Shape file reader should be able process .prj file and setup correspondent projection to the EmptyProvider. The Bing and OpenStreet map providers show map using Mercator projection, so they can't use any other projections to show map shapes (KML or ESRI).
The VisualizationLayer will support using the collection views such as System.Windows.Data.ListCollectionView as its items source.
Currently the InformationLayer.GetBestView method takes in account visible size of the markers (in pixels) and makes best possible assumption about its geographical size when calculating location rectangle. But size in pixels corresponds to different geographical size (in latitude/longitude degrees) depends on the zoom level. So it could take 2-3 times to get really optimal zoom level depends on the initial zoom level. The InformationLayer.GetBestView method should be changed to provide precise result at once regardless of the initial zoom level.
Will you have the same "Automatic" functionality that has. Go here: Select "Road" then "Automatic." Then zoom to Boston and watch the map change automatically to "Birds Eye." This would be a great feature because the user doesn't need to think. Feature is not present in the new BING Maps and in the BING REST services API and we are marking it as DECLINED.
Currently MapShapeReader can't be used to load KMZ files.
Add support for reading JSON files encoded in GeoJSON format.
Recently OpenStreetMap changed their tile usage policy and require UserAgent string in the web headers for accessing tiles.
As a result, standard open street map mode does not work - no tiles are loaded and "too many requests" error is returned from the server.
RadMap's OpenStreetMapProvider needs API (event, property or similar) for easier set up of UserAgent / Referer / other headers of web requests.
Currently, the workaround is to override the OpenStreetMapProvider like so:
public class CustomOpenStreetProvider : OpenStreetMapProviderIt should be possible to rotate camera in the birds eye mode of the Bing map provider.
The MapShapeReader converts each dbf record to the ExtendedData value. By default it converts numeric types to integer or double .Net type etc. If it can't convert a field, then the exception is thrown and it could be handled. It will be more prefered to return it using the Error property of arguments in PreviewReadCompleted and ReadCompleted event.
It should be possible to use scrollbars for the map panning. Customer should be able to turn on/off vertical and horizontal scrollbars arond the map's view port and use them to scroll the map.
The Bing Map provider displays the "no camera" icons from bing’s imagery server when the images is absent for the current zoom on high zoom levels. The default behavior should be changed to zooming the lowest available resolution instead of showing the "no camera" icon.