WMTS is a standard protocol for delivery of tiles map data - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Map_Tile_Service It should be possible to write code to understand pretty much any service complying with the specification. It would be good if RadMap could be extended to enable it to understand the WMTS specification and allow WMTS data to be used.
When WrapAround is set to TRUE, the MapItemsRequest does not fire when you pan endlessly in one direction. Available in LIB version: 2016.3.1010
The Location.Parse() method throws FormatException when the source string is saved (using the Location's object ToString() method) and the culture of the application is set to de-DE. Note: The issue can appear with different cultures that use ',' as number decimal separator. To work this around you can save or parse the Location manually instead of using ToString() and Parse(). Available in LIB version: 2016.3.919
The Opacity of the provider is not respected by any new map sources added at runtime To work this around you can set the Opacity of the source manually. provider.MapSources.Add(new CustomTiledSource() { Opacity = 0.5 });
Currently, the shape file reader can read the files only once when the ReadAsync() method is called. When new files are added in the SourceCollection and the method is called again, the reader doesn't read properly. Implement a mechanism that allows the new files to be read. At this moment, to read additional files you can create a new reader and add the files in it. Then reset the Reader property of the layer. var reader = new AsyncShapeFileReader(); reader.SourceCollection.Add(new AsyncReaderSource() { Source = new Uri("/WpfApplication16;component/DataSources/Alabama.shp", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), DataSource = new Uri("/WpfApplication16;component/DataSources/Alabama.dbf", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute) }); this.layer.Reader = reader; reader.ReadAsync();
When you have two providers - BingMapProvider and custom TiledProvider - and the map source of the second provider (the custom one) is changed, the updated provider is drawn under the provider defined before it in the Providers collection (the BingMapProvider). To work this around you can call the BingMapProvider's SetMapSource() method after the source of the custom provider is changed. // set the custom provider source bingMapProvider.SetMapSource(bingMapProvider.SupportedSources[0]);
Add support for accessing the MapQuestTiles. via their new Static API : http://www.mapquestapi.com/staticmap/ Since 11 July 2016, MapQuest Tiles cannot be directly accessed. http://devblog.mapquest.com/2016/06/15/modernization-of-mapquest-results-in-changes-to-open-tile-access/ To disable the MapQuest option in RadMap's OpenStreetMapProvider you can use the following code: <telerik:RadMap x:Name="radMap" > <telerik:RadMap.Provider> <telerik:OpenStreetMapProvider x:Name="provider" /> </telerik:RadMap.Provider> </telerik:RadMap> InitializeComponent(); string mapQuestCommandName = "Telerik.Windows.Controls.Map.OpenStreetMapQuestSource"; CommandDescription command = this.provider.Commands.Where(x => x.CommandParameter.ToString() == mapQuestCommandName).FirstOrDefault(); this.provider.Commands.Remove(command); In R3 2016 this option will be disabled by default.
Currently RadMaps Geocode, Search and Route providers are based on SOAP. The Bing Maps discontinue their SOAP services in June 2017. https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/rbrundritt/2016/06/22/bing-maps-v8-web-control-released/ The Bing REST Services API (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff701713.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396) includes: - Imagery API -- Imagery metadata (used for downloading image tiles - already implemented in BingRestMapProvider) - Routes API - Location API - Elevations API For R1 2016 we will implement: Routes API which will be replacement of SOAP based BingRouteProvider Locations API which will be replacement of SOAP based BingGeocodeProvider Elevations API which will be new API and has no existing SOAP replacement ================================================================================== Available in R1 2017 Official Release Version.
Implement OpenStreetMap search provider. Similar to BingSearchProvider (http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/wpf/controls/radmap/features/search). Currently , to implement location search with OpenStreetMap provider, you can use the Nominatim API: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim
RadMap should support Geojson file Decline reason: We have such request already logged in our portal - http://feedback.telerik.com/Project/143/Feedback/Details/181323-add-support-for-reading-json-files-in-geojson-format
Add support for 3D Elevation Models like in Bing Maps for WPF. https://rbrundritt.wordpress.com/2013/02/13/3d-elevation-models-with-bing-maps-wpf/
Add support for reading JSON files encoded in GeoJSON format.
System.InvalidOperationException is thrown in a scenario with big number of clustered items. The exception message states that "The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it". It is reproducible if you zoom in and out.
An exception is thrown in the following scenario: -We have a data bound VisualizationLayer with MapShapeBindableWrapper elements in its ItemTemplate. -The view models in the ItemsSource of the layer implements the INotifyLocationChanged interface and its LocationChanged event is manually raised when the Location property is changed -If the layer's ItemsSource collection is reset and then the Location property the elements of the old collection is changed, an exception is thrown. The fix will be available in our official release Q1 2016 SP.
RadMap's VisualizationLayer with ClusterGenerator. The default value of AutoExpandWhenSingle is used - TRUE. When removing items from the cluster at runtime, it does not auto expand when only one item is contained in the cluster. The fix will be available in the internal build from 9.November 2015 as well as in the Q1 2016 official Release.
Polyline object in VisualizationLayer is not updated if you clear its Points collection. The expected behavior is that the Polyline is not visible on the Map. As a workaround, you can remove the PolylineData directly from the Layer. this.layer.Items.Remove(polylineData);
Add feature for ECW files to be loaded as a map source.
Currently the SQL GeospatialDataReaders do not support binding to source - collection of DataRows. You store the data in the datarows for example like si row["Geometry"] ="PolyGone((Point 1, ....))" but there is no property you can set for GeospatialPropertyName in order to retrive this Geometry data.
Concurreny issue - exception in PathGeometryData.GetScreeenGeometry() when the geometry is updated runtime. Custom MapGeometryView which updates its GeometryData runtime. This leads to cocncurrency issue in VisualizationLayer and its shape processcing code. This leads to Exception in GetScreenGemetry() method of PathGeometryData.