Last Updated: 04 Oct 2019 10:28 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2019.3.1007
The CustomElementLoading event can't be canceled without creating a new instance of the custom element.

As a workaround in the CustomElementLoading event handler you can call the SetAffectedElement() with creating DependencyObject and then Cancel the event by setting the Cancel property.
private void RadDockingOnCustomElementLoading(object sender, LayoutSerializationCustomLoadingEventArgs e)
    if (e.CustomElementTypeName == "MyRadPane")
        e.SetAffectedElement(new DependencyObject());
        e.Cancel = true;              
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2018 08:31 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2014 08:42 by ADMIN
Created by: George
Comments: 0
Category: Docking
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 19 Feb 2018 15:07 by ADMIN
The fix will be available in the R1 2018 SP2 Release.
Last Updated: 21 Oct 2019 10:53 by ADMIN
Release R3 2019 SP1

Hello Support,

we are using the RadDocking.LayoutChangeEnded event to store the docking layout (via RadDocking.SaveLayout) after the user has changed it.

When animations are enabled (default) everything works as expected and all groups, split containers, and panes are included when in the XML written by RadDocking.SaveLayout.

However, when disabling animations (either using AnimationManager.IsGlobalAnimationEnabled or custom styles for RadWindow and/or ToolWindow setting AnimationManager.IsAnimationEnabled to false) the RadDocking.LayoutChangeEnded event is raised too early.

The faulty behavior can be reproduced with the attached demo application as follows:

1. start the application (App.xaml includes a style for ToolWindow with animations disabled)

2. drag the pane "Solution Explorer" out of the application to create a new tool window

3. drag the "Solution Explorer" tool window onto the "Properties" pane's compass and drop it below "Properties", so that "Properties" and "Solution Explorer" are both pinned right in the application above each other

4. when inspecting the layout written to the "Output" pane you will find that the entry for the RadPane "Solution Explorer" is missing

Any additional change to the docking layout (like resizing a pane) will update the layout and show all panes again.

When enabling animations in the ToolWindow style the above steps will result in the complete layout being written to the "Output" pane.

Please let me know should you require further information for reproduction of this bug.

Best regards,


Last Updated: 18 Apr 2016 06:12 by ADMIN
When a Pane is floated and added to a specific position in a PaneGroup saving the layout saves its position as last Pane in the group
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2014 08:41 by ADMIN
If the mouse is above an AutoHideArea while the theme of the control is changing an NullReferenceException is thrown.
Last Updated: 19 Apr 2019 12:58 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2019.1.422 (04/22/2019)

Dynamically adding RadPane to PaneGroup, the header of the pane does not appear on the second added pane.

To workaround this the OnApplyTemplate() method can be called after the RadPane is added to the RadPaneGroup.

Last Updated: 18 Mar 2014 09:11 by ADMIN
If the Background property of a RadPaneGroup is set in Windows8 and Office2013 themes it is disregarded
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