Last Updated: 29 Dec 2021 14:48 by ADMIN
Add a visual element to display the exact drop location of an item, when reordering panes in a pane group.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 12:51 by ADMIN
Removing the Right mouse button ContextMenu of ToolWindow is not possible.
Last Updated: 03 Jan 2017 20:48 by ADMIN
The default behavior is to set the pane as active one when is shown. Allow changing this behavior.
Last Updated: 03 Jan 2017 20:46 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 15 Mar 2019 17:39 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 01 Nov 2019 09:21 by ADMIN

This feature request is related to Ticket 1435779


Image for context


Currently, there's no support for increasing the drag threshold for the items on the orange box. Even after setting the values below.

DragDropManager.MinimumHorizontalDragDistance = 5000;
DragDropManager.MinimumVerticalDragDistance = 5000;


It would also be beneficial if instead of just relying on the drag threshold which is the box. Add a support for a sort of "Drag Time" concept where we can define how long the user should've held the actual pane before dragging/going outside the threshold.

Last Updated: 09 Sep 2020 09:12 by ADMIN
A property can be exposed to control the Width/Height of the RadGridResizers between the different elements and their respective Margins.
Last Updated: 03 Jan 2017 21:12 by ADMIN
Currently when a Pane becomes floating and we are still holding it with the mouse the ToolWindow could not be snapped. First the mouse should be released and right after that the ToolWindow could be snapped.
Last Updated: 15 Mar 2019 17:39 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 10 May 2024 06:17 by Stenly
Add API to specify the minimum width and height of the DocumentHost element.
Last Updated: 08 Dec 2020 11:54 by ADMIN



In most docking applications (Telerik WinForms, Visual Studio), it is possible to right click on the pane-tab header and get the options:

- New Horizontal Tab Group

- New Vertical Tab Group

- Move to Next Tab Group 



This would nice in WPF as well





Last Updated: 12 Jul 2022 07:56 by Stenly
We could improve the drag-drop functionality of the RadDocking control when the FlowDirection="RightToLeft".
Last Updated: 25 Apr 2018 10:34 by Tobias
When dragging item from the RadListBox the drag visual of the dragged item should be visible. The example should show an approach similar to the approach found here (http://www.telerik.com/community/code-library/wpf/docking/how-to-enable-drag-and-drop-from-radlistbox-to-raddocking-controls.aspx) but without the mentioned limitations.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 12:51 by BENN
When dragging a pane in Deferred DragDropMode, if the moue cursor is far from the header, then the Drag Cue appears far from the cursor.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 12:52 by ADMIN
On some rare cases, RadPane.OnPaneLoaded is being called before ApplyTemplate was called, and therefore, UpdateAllowDrag which tries to find the first child of the rad pane (the "wrapper" grid) fails, and pane remains undraggable.

To reproduce this issue, I have a button that when clicking on it, it adds a new pane (There is a collection of View Models, that when items are added or removed, then a code that is using binding to that collection adds or removes a pane.

The scenario happens when the system is laggy (For example, heavy UI on the panes content), and I'm adding several view models to that collection.
It doesn't always happen, but sometimes, one of more of the panes are not draggable.
I can clearly see that the OnPaneLoaded was called before the OnApplyTemplate was.

Maybe it can be a good idea to call UpdateAllowDrag on the OnApplyTemplate function if the OnLoad was called first.

Last Updated: 19 Sep 2016 14:13 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 04 Jan 2017 08:25 by ADMIN
The the keyboard focus is also lost if you undock a RadPane from its docked state.
As a workaround you can persist the focus as shown in the RestoreFocusOnStateChanged SDK example, that can be found here:
Last Updated: 03 Jan 2017 20:24 by ADMIN
The DocumentHost RadPane support overflow scrolling and drop down menu similar to the DocumentHost in VisualStudio and RadTabControl. We would like this feature implemented for the non DocumentHost areas as well.
Last Updated: 04 Aug 2016 10:49 by BENN
When changing the DragDropMode in runtime, the panes behave unexpectedly.

If changing from Immediate to Deferred:

* Docked panes are not movable (no compass and no deferred adorner is being shows)

* Floating panes that are being docked do have the compass and the deferred adorner, when you try to move them after they were docked. 


If you change is back from Deferred to Immediate:

* Panes that you could not move can be moved (and then become floating) again/

* The panes that did have  the compass and the deferred adorner, don't move when you try to drag them. However, when you release the mouse button, then the start moving with the mouse pointer... without any mouse button pressed.

I've debugged the controls using the source code, and I've concluded that.

RadPane.UdateAllowDrag() is being called on PaneLoaded, which happens when I drag a floating pane into the Docking area.

In this case, when the DragDropMode is set to Deferred, then AllowDrag is set to True (with the call of DragDropManager.SetAllowDrag)

This is why that pane does have the Deferred Drag Adorner (The Drag Cue), while other panes doesn't.


On the other hand, when I change the DragDropMode to be Immediate again, then that pane is left with AllowDrag set to true, and it is registered to the DragDropManager events, which causes the second problem.


In my opinion, the RadPane.UpdateAllowDrag() should be called also when the DragDropMode is changed.
Last Updated: 03 Jan 2017 21:10 by BENN
On Deferred mode, you can still undock panes (for example, but context menu).
The problem starts when you want to dock them back, When moving a pane above the compass, it hides the compass (And this problem is a PITA when you docking with the inner compass (rather than the root compass), since the left,top, center etc.. arrows are near to each other (so you are not 100% sure you hit the right arrow).