Provide visibility enumeration for the Overflow button "WhenNeeded", "Visible", "Hidden/Collapsed"
Event when dragging the horizontal splitter
The IsMinimizedChanged method does not inspect the ACTUAL width of the control
OutlookBar: Visual state of selected items in not correct
The ActiveItemsCount is not working
When the ItemsSource of the control is populated from a background thread, users are not allowed to manually set the position of the horizontal splitter.
Add Minimized and Restored event handlers in the OutlookBar
Allow customizing the Items position.
The selection of a minimized item cannot be visually cancelled.
Add the posibilty for the RadOutlookBar control to have Width less than the specified MinWidth, when Minimized.
Include the Show more/fewer and add/remove buttons functionality in the bottom menu. Properties that get the ActiveItems' Count and MiniizedItems' Count also needed.
Implement Tab Navigation
Add minimize/restore animations
RadPanelBar`s expand/collapse behavior needed in RadOutlookBar
Content is lost when setting IsMinimizable to false and the OutlookBar is minimized
Currently , there is no possible way to drag an object fromt he Outlookbar's Popup and drop it outside the OutlookBar
There should be a way to set horizontal orientation for the items of the OutlookBar.
Easily customize the bottom menu with user defined RadMenu items.
Add a property which changes the minimize button orientation.
There should be a way to swtich items and navigate the content easily using the keyboard only.