Tooltip is shown on horizontal splitter when ActiveItemsMaxCount = 0 but it shouldn't show since the splitter cannot be moved
The foreground of the MinimizedButton and minimizeable arrow in Expression_Dark theme is wrong. The issue appears when the OutlookBar is minimized and the minimized button is clicked
The foreground of the content in the pop-up when the OutlookBar is minimized in Windows8 (Metro) and Windows8Touch themes is wrong - it is white like the background.
Currently , there is no possible way to drag an object fromt he Outlookbar's Popup and drop it outside the OutlookBar
Add Style for easier customization of the Vertical / Horizontal resizers
The logic of the IsContentPreserved (inherited from RadTabControl) property could be implemented in RadOutlookBar
Add a tooltip to the OutlookBarItems when the OutlookBar is minimized Approach to implement: Descriptions of the minimized RadOutlookBarItems can be achieved in WPF via: <Style TargetType="telerik:RadOutlookBarItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource RadOutlookBarItemStyle}"> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type telerik:RadOutlookBar}}, Path=IsMinimized}" Value="True"> <Setter Property="ToolTipService.ToolTip" Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=Header}" /> </DataTrigger> </Style.Triggers> </Style> or by adding this trigger to the RadOutlookBarItem's ControlTemplate.Triggers
Add a possibility for the vertical resizer to act as the GridSplitter. More information in the support ticket.
Content is lost when setting IsMinimizable to false and the OutlookBar is minimized
Available in LIB version 2017.3.1113, it will be also available in the R1 2018 Release.
The IsMinimizedChanged method does not inspect the ACTUAL width of the control
RadPanelBar`s expand/collapse behavior needed in RadOutlookBar
The selection of a minimized item cannot be visually cancelled.
Allow customizing the Items position.
Add Minimized and Restored event handlers in the OutlookBar
Add minimize/restore animations
Implement Tab Navigation
When the OutlookBar is minimized and you click the right splitter without moving it. Then the outlookbar is still minimized does not expand to the previous expanded position
The style of the items that are contained in the dropdown content of the overflow button cannot be edited.
Easily customize the bottom menu with user defined RadMenu items.