Won't Fix
Last Updated: 22 Jul 2015 13:32 by ADMIN
We select a RadTreeViewItem by setting its property IsSelected to "True".
As a result, first "SelectionChanged" event is fired and second  - "Selected" event is fired.
If the selection is made "normally", by selecting an Item (with the keyboard or the mouse), the above events are fired in reversed order - first the "Selected" event and second the "SelectionChanged" evnet.

The XAML team has recently reviewed this issue and will not be addressing it as at this time the team is focusing on the bugs impacting the highest number of developers. If you have encountered this issue and it is blocking for your work please contact us through the support ticketing system with details on your setup and a reference to this item.

Won't Fix
Last Updated: 22 Jul 2015 13:31 by Eisa Baker
Tree is Virtualized and bind to colelction of DataItems.
On a button click, we add new Dataitem with IsInEditMode = true (bound to IsInEditMode of the RadTreeViewItem).
The new Item is in edit mode but the textBox in the ItemEditTemplate has no DataContext so no actual editing  can be performed.

Scenario casn be solved with adding the item, then switch its editmode in dispatcher:
DataItem item = new DataItem() { Name = "Item Editable" };
            (this.tree.ItemsSource as ObservableCollection<DataItem>).Insert(0, item);

            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                item.IsInEditMode = true;
            }), DispatcherPriority.Loaded);

The XAML team has recently reviewed this issue and will not be addressing it as at this time the team is focusing on the bugs impacting the highest number of developers. If you have encountered this issue and it is blocking for your work please contact us through the support ticketing system with details on your setup and a reference to this item.

Won't Fix
Last Updated: 22 Jul 2015 12:11 by ADMIN
If virtualization is enabled, the RadTreeView resets the IsExpanded state of the root items to 'false' upon binding when child items are created.

The XAML team has recently reviewed this issue and will not be addressing it as at this time the team is focusing on the bugs impacting the highest number of developers. If you have encountered this issue and it is blocking for your work please contact us through the support ticketing system with details on your setup and a reference to this item.
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 22 Jul 2015 12:06 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
When usgin PageDown key the final offset is different when using the End key. More over, the scroll event is fired several times when using the end key (3 in my case). Attached project reproduces the problem.

The XAML team has recently reviewed this issue and will not be addressing it as at this time the team is focusing on the bugs impacting the highest number of developers. If you have encountered this issue and it is blocking for your work please contact us through the support ticketing system with details on your setup and a reference to this item.

Last Updated: 21 Jul 2015 13:40 by ADMIN
When the RadTreeViewItem (or the RadTreeView) is disabled and after a delay is enabled again it should go in "Normal" state. Now the control preserves its state, hence you are able to send more than one RadTreeViewItem in "Hovered" state.

The fix will be included in Q2 2015 SP.
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2015 13:28 by ADMIN
The TreeView doesn't update the TriState of the parent item when an item is dragged and dropped.

In databound scenario the built-in checkbox and the tri-state mode are considered not supported and users are prompted to use checkbox in itemtemplate with 3state logic in the viewmodels.

The XAML team has recently reviewed this issue and will not be addressing it as at this time the team is focusing on the bugs impacting the highest number of developers. If you have encountered this issue and it is blocking for your work please contact us through the support ticketing system with details on your setup and a reference to this item.
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2015 12:40 by ADMIN
1. End key does not work correctly when margin is set in the DataTemplate. Actually there is a small missmatch between the real "End" position and the one displayed by the tree.
2. When the IsAsynch property is used inside the binding of the ItemsSource property the End key does not work at all.

The XAML team has recently reviewed this issue and will not be addressing it as at this time the team is focusing on the bugs impacting the highest number of developers. If you have encountered this issue and it is blocking for your work please contact us through the support ticketing system with details on your setup and a reference to this item.
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2015 12:18 by Martin
We have a RadTreeView with "Visibility" property set to "Hidden".
We add dynamically RadTreeViewItems to the RadTreeView.
If we change the "Visibility" to "Visible" - the RadTreeView is NOT displayed.

Originally this item is logged for scenario with XBAP. Currently we are unable to reproduce such issue with WPF 4.0 and latest version of our controls.
Please open a new support thread if you encounter similar issues at your side.
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2015 11:33 by ADMIN
When a checked item is programatically removed from the RadTreeView.Items collection, it isn't removed from the CheckedItems collection.

Edit: Please avoid using this collection because it has never been implemented completely in RadTreeView. In DataBinding scenarios, you can use CheckBox in the ItemTemplate of the RadTreeView. Approach can be found here =>
CheckedItems colelction can be implemented in the ViewModels, instead of using the built-in property.

The XAML team has recently reviewed this issue and will not be addressing it as at this time the team is focusing on the bugs impacting the highest number of developers. If you have encountered this issue and it is blocking for your work please contact us through the support ticketing system with details on your setup and a reference to this item.
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2015 11:31 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
CheckedItems collection of RadTreeView contains all items.

Edit: Please avoid using this collection because it has never been implemented completely in RadTreeView. In DataBinding scenarios, you can use CheckBox in the ItemTemplate of the RadTreeView. Approach can be found here =>
CheckedItems colelction can be implemented in the ViewModels, instead of using the built-in property.

The XAML team has recently reviewed this issue and will not be addressing it as at this time the team is focusing on the bugs impacting the highest number of developers. If you have encountered this issue and it is blocking for your work please contact us through the support ticketing system with details on your setup and a reference to this item.
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2015 11:28 by Miroslav Paskov
There should be a way to exclude the partially checked items from the CheckedItems collection. 
A a property can be added to specify whether they will be included.

Edit: Please avoid using this collection because it ihas never been implemented completely in the RadTreeView. In DataBinding scenarios, you can use CheckBox in the ItemTemplate of the RadTreeView. Approach can be found here =>
CheckedItems colelction can be implemented in the ViewModels, instead of using the built-in property.

The XAML team has recently reviewed this issue and will not be addressing it as at this time the team is focusing on the bugs impacting the highest number of developers. If you have encountered this issue and it is blocking for your work please contact us through the support ticketing system with details on your setup and a reference to this item.
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2015 11:23 by ADMIN
TreeView: When the header of an Item is set to a TextBox, the selection of a RadTreeViewItem is incorrect

The original reported issue is that the following style does not work as expected.
<Style TargetType="telerik:RadTreeViewItem">
<Trigger Property="IsKeyboardFocusWithin" Value="True">
<Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="True" />
<Setter Property="Tag" Value="Selected" />
<Trigger Property="IsKeyboardFocusWithin" Value="False">
<Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="False" />
<Setter Property="Tag" Value="Unselected" />

This is not supported by the RadTreeView Selection logic. Once the trigger applies with Selected / True, the IsSelected property is Locally set via the selector's code. This means future work of the trigger will not be successful over the IsSelected Property.
The XAML team has recently reviewed this issue and will not be addressing it as at this time the team is focusing on the bugs impacting the highest number of developers. If you have encountered this issue and it is blocking for your work please contact us through the support ticketing system with details on your setup and a reference to this item.

Won't Fix
Last Updated: 20 Jul 2015 15:14 by ADMIN
When TreeView is databound to RadObservableCollection and Suspen/Resume Notifications are used when removing items the Selected items collection contains empty object at the end after deleting item and selecting another one.

As a workaround you can use ObservableCollection.

The XAML team has recently reviewed this issue and will not be addressing it as at this time the team is focusing on the bugs impacting the highest number of developers. If you have encountered this issue and it is blocking for your work please contact us through the support ticketing system with details on your setup and a reference to this item.
Last Updated: 17 Jul 2015 13:02 by ADMIN
Select a RadTreeViewItem with MOuse and in SelectionChaged event handler disable the RadTreeView. Then when you enable it programatically, the SelectedItems's foreground is wrong.

Available in LIB Version: 2015.2.720.
Last Updated: 18 Jun 2015 09:58 by ADMIN
Consider replacing the current touch gesture which starts drag operation. Now the gesture (tab and hold + move up) is not very intuitive. 

With Q2 2015 Release the DragDrop on touch device will work the following way. Hold down the finger on RadTreeViewItem, TouchIndicator circle appears and then you can move your finger to start the dragging.
Last Updated: 29 Apr 2015 09:24 by bennit
Showing a message box in the DoubleClick event handler in a D&D enabled RadTreeView starts a drag operation unexpectedly.

Closing this one - we are not able to reproduce it with our latest binaries.
Last Updated: 05 Mar 2015 17:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Petar Mladenov
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
In scenarios when both ScrollViewers (vertical and horizontal are visible), pressing Home Key might lead to freezing of the Vertical ScrollBar.

Available in LIB version: 2015.1.0309
Last Updated: 20 Jan 2015 11:24 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
Initial focus is not set correctly when going in edit mode and using edit template.
If EditTemplate consists of UserControl and TextBox - the textbox is not focused when entering edit mode.
If EditTempalte consists of ContentPresenter and textBox - the textbox is focused correctly.

Available in LIB version: 2014.3.1208
Last Updated: 04 Nov 2014 14:02 by ADMIN
"InvalidOperationException - The specified Visual and this Visual do not share a common ancestor" exception is thrown in scenarios where the RadTreeView ItemsSource collection is modified.

The bug is not reproducible with Q2, Q3 2014 version of telerik UI.
Last Updated: 04 Nov 2014 10:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: TreeView
Type: Bug Report
RadTreeViewItem.RootItem returns an incorrect value (reference to itself).

The bug is logged incorrectly. The Root Item will return correct value once the containers are generated after load or dragdrop operation.

The scenario for which the bug was logged checks the root item immediately after insert operation but the containers are not yet generated.