Last Updated: 11 Dec 2014 15:47 by ADMIN
Created by: Maya
Comments: 0
Category: GridView
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 15 May 2017 06:49 by ADMIN
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 03 May 2022 13:40 by ADMIN
DataContext of rows is sometimes null when UI virtualization is enabled in the Flat group render mode.

The issue appears also without UI virtualization and in the Nested mode. It happens on ItemsSource reset of RadGridView, in case the old ItemsSource value wasn't empty. The DataContext is set to null for a brief moment before the old visuals are removed from the view, which causes issues in some scenarios related to CellTemplate
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 13:14 by Licensing
Last Updated: 21 May 2021 10:19 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2021.2.525 (25/05/2021)

If the DisplayIndex of the columns is set when they are initialized, ColumnGroups are not displayed.

As a workaround, you can set the DisplayIndex after the columns are initialized. 


Last Updated: 22 Nov 2018 12:58 by ADMIN

The fix for this issue is available with LIB (version 2018.3.1126) published on Monday, November 26.
Last Updated: 06 Nov 2015 09:43 by ADMIN
When the HorizontalContentAlignment of the GridViewCheckBoxColumn's CellStyle setting to Center, the checkboxes in the columns remain on the left side. If another theme like OfficeBlack is used, the checkboxes go on the center.

Last Updated: 17 Dec 2020 11:52 by ADMIN
Created by: Heiko
Comments: 2
Category: GridView
Type: Feature Request
The GridViewSelectColumn is a very nice and useful feature, especially the possibility to select all items with just one click on the header. It would be great if there was the same functionality for the group header. So clicking on a checkbox in group header will select all items in this group (only). I know there are some examples (many years old) of how to do this, but it would be much better if it worked out-of-the-box.
Last Updated: 16 Aug 2018 08:08 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 02 Jun 2016 15:03 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 16 Apr 2019 12:56 by ADMIN
When the RadGridView is bound to a collection of DynamicObject and runtime we add a new property to the objects, this new property will not be respected. The columns will not be refresh.
Last Updated: 21 Sep 2021 11:58 by ADMIN
At this moment, the Search As You Type functionality can be customized. We can expose several methods so that the user can override the default search behavior and implement their own.
Last Updated: 05 Dec 2023 16:01 by ADMIN
Created by: Stenly
Comments: 2
Category: GridView
Type: Feature Request
Add support for binding to properties of type GUID.
Last Updated: 29 Jul 2016 14:42 by Maarten
Created by: Stefan
Comments: 1
Category: GridView
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 13 Jul 2016 12:15 by ADMIN
Implicit row's style should be not cleared when the SelectStyle method of RowStyleSelector returns null.
Last Updated: 09 Jun 2021 11:10 by ADMIN
Release R2 2021 SP1
Setting the IsVisible property of a column, which is frozen on the right size by setting the RightFrozenColumnCount property, does not work as intended. 
Last Updated: 15 Oct 2020 10:09 by ADMIN
Release R3 2020 SP

When using INotifyDataErrorInfo, items are still validated even when the ValidationType property is None.


Please note that when the AutoGeneratedColumns property is set to true, the item's HasErrors property will be evaluated, but only once.



Last Updated: 13 Nov 2023 11:53 by ADMIN
Release R3 2023 SP1
This happens in the following scenarios:

1. The FilterMemberPath points to the Date property of a DateTime one.
2. The column name contains "[]" square brackets.
Last Updated: 15 Jul 2020 12:22 by ADMIN
Provide a way to change the ItemsSource of the control while it is exporting using SpreadStreamExport.RunExportAsync() method
Last Updated: 11 May 2015 12:16 by ADMIN
Created by: Nick
Comments: 2
Category: GridView
Type: Bug Report