GridViewCell.Errors - System.Collections.IEnumerable Errors { set; get; } Errors collection always returns a collection of strings. When using .NET 4.5 and INotifyDataErrorInfo the errors can be any type. In our case we are using a custom ValidationResult object that has different severity levels. Because GridViewCell.Errors always returns strings and not the original underlying ValidationResult object our DataTemplate for ValidationResult is not applied.
Resolved with lib version 2014.2.714.
GroupFooterRowStyleSelector is not persisted, when you expand and collapse a group
All DragVisualProviders for the RadListBox, as described in, show as a bare minimum a horizontal line that clearly shows where the drop within the list will occur. Unfortunately the RadGridView does not even have that out of the box for its DragVisualProviders, so dragging elements within a RadGridView provides no indication at all to where the drop will happen! This seems like a very basic feature the RadGridView should have to support dragging/dropping within it (which also seems like a very common functionality).
The NullReferenceException is observed when the GridView is Grouped and rebound in the CellEditedEnded event handler.
The problem should be resolved with lib version 2016.1.125.
You can not select different filtering options through keyboard navigation. The only possible way to select a filtering operator from the list with available filtering operators is to click on it.
Resolved with lib version 2014.2.721.
GridViewDataColumn.IsVisible binding is broken in a custom scenario. The problem is reproducible only in child GridView.