It would be nice to create a seamless experience for our users between an application that uses the RadFileDialogs and their native Windows OS. To that end, having the RadFileDialogs use the same InitialSelectedLayout as the base OS would go a long way. Adding some way to identify the current Windows setting and to set the RadFileDialog accordingly would be a great help.
Add a full autocomplete support - while the control is focused, type certain keys and the file dialogs should select the relative match for the currently typed text.
If extension filter contains *.TXT but the file is named File1.txt, it is filtered in the main pane of the File/FolderDialogs. It shouldn't be filtered, jut like it is in MS Win 32 File dialogs.
Open/Save File/Folder dialog with implicit styles. Change a theme dynamically by merging resource dictionary containing the styles for Office2016/ Office2016Touch / Fluent Theme. Show the dialog and open the details grid (view). XamlParseException occurs - cannot find the resource "GridViewValidationToolTipTemplate"
SaveFileDialog does not open overwrite confirmation message box if the file name is typed with the default extension at the end. For example, you have "empty.txt" file on the desktop. You open SaveFileDialog, type empty, select TXT extension on the filters list on the bottom. Remove the .txt from the file name (if it is there) and press Save. Expected: Confirmation window for overwriting the file should be opened. Actual: No confirmation window opens.
Overwriting file with extension not registered in the file system but present in the Extensions Filter ComboBox might result in duplication of the extension in the resulting FileName. For example you have empty.stp file on your desktop. Choose the file with SaveFileDialog , chose the STP file extenion in the Filter combo box. Press Save. The resulting FileName of the dialog will be empty.stp.stp but it should be empty.stp. Available in LIB Version 2017.3.1225.