Add support for conditional formatting of cells - allow applying of rules used during visualization of cells to automatically apply formatting depending on their values.
Add support for visualizing and editing charts.
VLOOKUP function is similar to LOOKUP function, which is currently supported. A list of the supported functions is available at This function can be implemented as a custom function. Check the following resources for more details on how to achieve that: - - Available in R3 2017 Official Release Version.
The sheet selector should hide sheets when their visibility is set to hidden or very hidden. The context menu of the sheet selector should contain Hide and Unhide options that allow to hide a sheet or unhide one of the hidden sheets.
Add support for preserving and exporting the macros in a macro-enabled workbook. Macros are pieces of code written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) which are used to automate repetitive tasks in excel. The macros are part of the excel file. When a file contains a macro its extension becomes xlsm. Spreadsheet should be able to import and export xlsm files and edit the macros in them.
This will enable printing with the following printing options: - Fit Sheet on One Page - Fit All Columns on One Page - Fit All Rows on One Page - Custom automatic scaling
At the moment the print settings set to the WorksheetPageSetup class are not passed to the Print dialog which leads to bad user experience. If you set the print settings of the RadSpreadsheet like so: WorksheetPageSetup pageSetup = this.radSpreadsheet.Workbook.ActiveWorksheet.WorksheetPageSetup; pageSetup.PageOrientation = PageOrientation.Landscape; and then select Print, the Spreadsheet print menu will show the print preview as landscape. However, when after that you click on Print for the default print dialog to appear and then click Preferences, you will notice that the preference is set to Portrait. The print job will be Landscape, but the incorrect information in the default dialog creates confusion. This is an example of how to set the preference of the default dialog: PrintDialog printDialog = new PrintDialog(); var printTicket = printDialog.PrintTicket; printTicket.PageOrientation = System.Printing.PageOrientation.Landscape;
If a worksheet spans more than one page, you can print row and column headings or labels (also called print titles) on every page to ensure that the data is properly labeled.
Duplicate of SpreadProcessing: Repeat specific rows or columns on every printed page (
The fix will be available in our next LIB release (v. 2015.03.1005).
The BitmapImage class throws the exception. We could show some kind of no-image-placeholder instead of throwing exception, or skip the image. Telerik Reporting creates such files. Attached is a sample project demonstrating how to customize the Open command descriptor to remove .emf images just after importing the document. Available in R3 2018 Official Release Version.
Implement UI for hiding sheet. The sheets can be visible, hidden, or very hidden (could be made visible only from the API). Note: This is already supported on model level (in RadSpreadProcessing).
I would like to be able to hide a selected column. In excel this can be achieved by right clicking the header of a column and selecting Hide/Unhide. Actually the same goes for rows.
The fix will be available in our latest LIB release (v. 2015.02.0803).
The fix is available in our latest LIB release (v.2015.3.1026).
The feature will be available in our official release Q1 2016.
If a document contains many and complex formulas (with many functions having other functions as arguments) it may take a long time to show in the control.