With the current implementation, the Notes support only a rectangular shape.
Spreadsheet: Add the ability to build formulas using keyboard navigation:
1. Press '=' in a cell. The cell goes into Edit Mode.#.##0,00;-#.##0,00;;@ does not work in RadSpreadsheet. It should suppress visualizing of ) values. Workaround: #.##0,00;-#.##0,00; ;@ works fine (there is ' ' [space] set for the zero values).
Wrong exception messages are constructed sometimes, due to problem in the internal Guard.ThrowExceptionIfTrue and Guard.ThrowExceptionIfFalse methods: - Guard.ThrowExceptionIfTrue throws InvalidOperationException with text "<paramName> should be true.", instead the text should be "<paramName> should be false." - Guard.ThrowExceptionIfFalse throws InvalidOperationException with text "<paramName> should be false.", instead the text should be "<paramName> should be true." Available in LIB Version 2017.2.828.
When in a cell is inserted text with leading spaces, they are ignored when export and Excel doesn't show them. The fix will be available in our latest LIB release (v. 2015.1.0323).
The fix is available in our latest LIB release (v. 2015.1.0323).
The fix will be available in our official release 2015 Q2..
This item is declined. The visualized border describes the print area.
When a cell's format is set to "Percentage" and then a number is entered, the number's format is incorrect. For example, if "10" is entered in such a cell, the value is visualized as "1000.00%", instead of "10.00%".
Can we have the ability to hide the cell selector rectangle in the RadSpreadsheet? If we had this, along with the current existing functionality we would have spreadsheet capabilities inside what looks like an 'empty' page. It would be good for reporting purposes where the developer can make full use of the spreadsheet's functions but completely hide the 'spreadsheet look-and-feel' from the user.