The new functionality should prevent duplicates to be added as tokens in the editor. An already selected item should not be visible in the popup as well. The attached project features a possible custom solution.
Set the format:
dateTimePicker1.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
dateTimePicker1.CustomFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy";
Enter 18 in the yaer part, the year should be set to 2018, the year should be cleared when starting to type as well.
To reproduce: this.radDateTimePicker1.DateTimePickerElement.TextBoxElement.MaskType = MaskType.FreeFormDateTime; And try pasting a date, or some free text.
The Free Form Date Time Parsing of a RadTimePicker is not able to recognize "hhmm" as an legit value (ex. 1030 for half pas ten). This improvement could be nice, as it is a common way to write an time. It is working in Outlook Appointement Form.
1. Provide the 'Ignore' button above the 'Ignore All' button 2. If no text is entered in the 'Change To' text field and the 'Change' button is clicked, the highlighted suggestion should be used instead. 3. After the 'Change' button is clicked, the 'Change To' text box should be cleared so that users don't have to delete the text string before entering something else.
Note: when you open the spell check dialog and it iterates through the words, it does not highlight (select) the word in the linked RadTextBoxControl/RadTextBox, like it does in the Word's spell checker.
One should be able to move to the next/previous word with Ctrl + right/left
The RadTokenizedTextItem should reference the data items as well.
RadTextBox should indicate ReadOnly state
Add option to RadSpellChecker which will allow you to append the newly added words to the loaded dictionary and save them on the hard drive.
Add support for case sensitivity search in the suggested elements.
RadAutoCompleteBox - add functionality that allow you to show Popup without typing any char.
RadMaskedEditBox does not support G mask
Currently all spell checker dialogs are not accessible for customization.