Developers should be able to validate user input in the RadPropertyStore items. UPDATE: Currently we have decided to stick with the current implementation where all the validation is done through the PropertyValidating/ed events.
Steps to reproduce. 1. Drag a RadPropertyGrid to a form. 2. Set the selected object to a button for example. 3. Set the System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture to bg-BG for example 4. Run the project and try to edit the Size property. You will see that it is displayed in the format X;Y, but you have to enter string in the X,Y format otherwise you get an exception.
The RadPropertyGrid columns should be able to auto resize according to their cells content.
When the spin editor is opened in the RadPropertyGrid the default min and max values should be the min and max values of the type of the property that is being edited.
Add the ability for custom sorting in the RadPropertyGrid.
Add the ability to handle collection items in the RadPropertyGrid.
ADD. RadPropertyGrid - add custom grouping functionality
Currently RadPropertyGrid does not handle the GetStandardValues method.