Last Updated: 29 Apr 2022 09:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Dimitar
Comments: 2
Category: Tools for WinForms: Visual Style Builder, Control Spy, Shape Editor, Element Hierarchy Editor
Type: Bug Report

Last Updated: 06 Nov 2018 10:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Dimitar
Comments: 0
Category: Tools for WinForms: Visual Style Builder, Control Spy, Shape Editor, Element Hierarchy Editor
Type: Bug Report

Last Updated: 30 Mar 2016 14:41 by ADMIN
Created by: Hristo
Comments: 0
Category: Tools for WinForms: Visual Style Builder, Control Spy, Shape Editor, Element Hierarchy Editor
Type: Bug Report
The changed properties are not applied and also if one filters the VSB tool by "Changed Properties", they are not displayed as Changed

Workaround: perform the styling modifications at run-time
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2016 14:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Adam P
Comments: 3
Category: Tools for WinForms: Visual Style Builder, Control Spy, Shape Editor, Element Hierarchy Editor
Type: Bug Report
In the repo editor, the field has the initial focus, but cannot be refocused by using the TAB key on the keyboard.  In addition to that, the order for tabbing seems to be incorrect.

And as a small side-note, the tab order in the Settings dialog seems good except the TAB key focuses on Cancel before the OK button.  Typical dialogs will focus on OK and Cancel will be the last item.  It seems unnatural to focus on Cancel before OK.
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2016 14:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Adam P
Comments: 1
Category: Tools for WinForms: Visual Style Builder, Control Spy, Shape Editor, Element Hierarchy Editor
Type: Bug Report
I'm going to lump this into one Feedback item, but perhaps it should be broken up.  I took some notes while attempting (and never successfully) using the manual merge dialog in VSB.  This seems really important for one main reason: many people base their themes off of your Built-In themes.  When a new release of UI for WinForms comes out, with a new control like the CollapsiblePanel, it's tricky to get that added to your existing older theme (which is the scenario I'm dealing with right now).

I've ordered these items in the order of importance (at least to me =] ).  I think the main thing is the on-screen help and terminology used to describe the items on the screen being confusing and inconsistent, but I do believe there are some bugs and/or missing features to make it functional.

- The text in the merge dialog refers to a "Destination" and a "Source" theme everywhere except on the DataGrid column which refers to "Existing" and "Loaded".  If I have a theme open (let's say MyOldTheme.tssp), and then I open another theme (TelerikMetroBlue.tssp) it triggers this dialog to open.  Which theme in that case, is the Source/Existing/Destination/Loaded?  I think this should be clarified by making it clear which is the source and destination and sticking with that terminology, or call it something like "Item Loaded" and "Item Loading".  Also, in which order should I open these two themes if my end result is to get one control or a set of repos merged into MyOldTheme.tssp from TelerikMetroBlue.tssp
- Everything is detected as a conflict.  Real conflict detection should exist where it only shows items that are conflicting (i.e. the item exists in both files but there's a change).  You can open a file, and then open that SAME exact file and every repo item is red and considered "conflicting".
- You show a comparison grid, but I can't see any way to resolve the conflicts it finds.  It doesn't let me choose which value I want, the source or destination.  
- There's a lot of text describing how to deal with the conflicts on this screen, but after reading it I was more confused than I was before.  I think this needs a lot of clarification, and should be written better.
- The "Existing" and "Loaded" columns in the grid have their names cut-off, don't support column resizing, and don't have a tool tip.  The only way I could see that they were called "Existing" and "Loaded" was by going to the column chooser, and removing the columns (since if they're added to the grid, they don't show up in the Col Chooser)
- I think the "Existing" and "Loaded" columns should be immediately next to each other for easier visual comparison of the two.  By default there seems to be a random text field thrown in between them (they can be manually re-positioned, though)
- In the column chooser there's a IsSelected column I can add - does that have something to do with the merging?  What does "IsSelected" represent? Choosing the item from the item already loaded, or the item I'm currently loading?  It doesnn't seem to do anything, but I could be wrong.

Last Updated: 30 Mar 2016 14:40 by ADMIN
To reproduce:

Open VSB go to RadScrollablePanel -> RadScrollablePanelElement -> FillPrimitive and change its back color, you will see that the back color will not actually change.


Set the BackColor using code:

panel.PanelElement.Fill.BackColor = Color.Red;
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2016 14:39 by Adam P
Created by: Adam P
Comments: 0
Category: Tools for WinForms: Visual Style Builder, Control Spy, Shape Editor, Element Hierarchy Editor
Type: Bug Report
In the winforms visual style builder app, under View > Settings > Design View, unchecking "snap to grid" doesn't prevent control resizing from snapping to grid.  It still forces it to increment/decrement the sizes by 10 pixels based on the Grid Minor Tick settings.  Workaround: set grid minor tick size to 1px.
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2016 14:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Nikolay
Comments: 0
Category: Tools for WinForms: Visual Style Builder, Control Spy, Shape Editor, Element Hierarchy Editor
Type: Bug Report
There are some specific cases where VSB tells the user that there is a property set, but at the same time actually this property is set to a null value. As a result, the user can't see the 'applied' setting netiher in the VSB preview, nor in his/her project.
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2016 14:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Anton
Comments: 0
Category: Tools for WinForms: Visual Style Builder, Control Spy, Shape Editor, Element Hierarchy Editor
Type: Bug Report
VisualStyleBuilder  - does not load all states if the theme is loaded from XML files.
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2016 14:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Stefan
Comments: 0
Category: Tools for WinForms: Visual Style Builder, Control Spy, Shape Editor, Element Hierarchy Editor
Type: Bug Report
FIX. Visual Style Builder - the color picker should keep the previously added Custom colors after reopening the form and continue adding to the available spots, instead overriding the existing custom colors.