At the moment, RadCalculatorDropDown allows displaying a calculator only in a popup editor. The new control should allow placing a calculator on a form or a user control.
Hello, The Toast Notification is similar than the MessageBox, but not block the UI with an "always on top" dialog and dont have a dialogresult return value. This is only a text message, that shown, and hides after specified second. I can set the text, the background and foreground color, the container control and the alignment of the notification. I use this control to interact with the user, but not disturb his work. Example messages: "The table saved successfully!" "Refresh done." etc.. The color can define also the type of the message: Green -> OK Red -> Error Yellow ->Warning Blue -> Information ... Thanks! Best Regards, László
Workaround: RadPageViewBackstageElement backStageElement = radPageView1.ViewElement as RadPageViewBackstageElement; backStageElement.ItemContainer.MinSize = new Size(300, 0);
To reproduce: 1. Use the following code snippet: public class ViewModel:INotifyPropertyChanged { public ViewModel() { } private bool _isShown; public bool IsShown { get { return this._isShown; } set { this._isShown = value; OnPropertyChanged("IsShown"); } } public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName) { PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged; if (handler != null) handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } } 2. Add a MS Panel and a RadPanel to the form. 3. Add Panel.DataBindings at design time for its Visible property to the ViewModel.IsShown property. 4. When you run the application, the MS Panel is not visible. However, if you remove the RadPanel it is shown. Please refer to the attached sample video illustrtaing better the performed steps.
To reproduce: - Add the map control to RadSplitContainer (take the map control from here: - Zoom with two finger gesture on a touch screen.
- Image quality in PDF is very low. - page 22 : \VS Projects\... not found on my computer in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Telerik\". Precise root path. - page 24 part 7 : MiscellaneousTheme. Seems this theme has been removed - page 24 part 11: RadSplitButton wrong name : spSizeMode instead sbSizeMode - Page 25 part 13: EventHandler "BorderStyleClick" unclear. should precise. (I'll complete other pages after I read it ;p)
To reproduce: Open one of examples from DocumentProcessing / RadRichTextEditor / Panorama. Click on C# or VB tab and you will see that the code is not visible. When choose file without code and click Copy Source button is thrown an exception.
The context menu does not provide which control has been clicked. Workaround: Point p; Control currentControl; void radContextMenu1_DropDownOpened(object sender, EventArgs e) { p = ((RadContextMenu)sender).DropDown.Location; TraverseControls(this); } public void TraverseControls(Control ctrl) { foreach (Control control in ctrl.Controls) { if (control == ctrl.GetChildAtPoint(ctrl.PointToClient(p)) && control.Controls.Count > 0) { currentControl = control; TraverseControls(control); } else if (control == ctrl.GetChildAtPoint(ctrl.PointToClient(p))) { currentControl = control; } } }
To reproduce: - Navigate to the first look sample for data entry. - Add some new rows and try to navigate to them.
When the PaperSources collection contains an empty string the dialog enters in an endless loop.
Workarround1: this.radDropDownList1.PopupClosing += radComboDemo_PopupClosing; void radComboDemo_PopupClosing(object sender, RadPopupClosingEventArgs args) { Point relativeMousePositionInPopup = ((RadDropDownListElement)sender).ListElement.ElementTree.Control.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition); args.Cancel = ((RadDropDownListElement)sender).ListElement.VScrollBar.ControlBoundingRectangle.Contains(relativeMousePositionInPopup); } Workaround2: class MyDropDownList : RadDropDownList { public MyDropDownList() { this.PopupClosing += MyDropDownList_PopupClosing; } void MyDropDownList_PopupClosing(object sender, RadPopupClosingEventArgs args) { Point relativeMousePositionInPopup = ((RadDropDownListElement)sender).ListElement.ElementTree.Control.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition); args.Cancel = ((RadDropDownListElement)sender).ListElement.VScrollBar.ControlBoundingRectangle.Contains(relativeMousePositionInPopup); } public override string ThemeClassName { get { return typeof(RadDropDownList).FullName; } } }
Telerik winforms demo application "bugtracker" issue: reproduction: 1. drag the "bugs" window to touch the upper middle docking guide icon and without releasing the mouse button drag it further Effect: please observe that the remainder of the "bugs window" will not be refreshed, you can draw with this window The same issue can be also observed in the demo hub: drag > Tabstrip properties demo application and also in the DragDropService demo application.
Workaround: load the themes with ThemeResolutionService: