To reproduce: - Handle the CellFormatting event. - Set CellElement Text property to a very long text. Workaround: Set CellElement MaxSize property like this: void radScheduler1_CellFormatting(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.SchedulerCellEventArgs e) { e.CellElement.MaxSize = new Size(150,23); }
Add an option for SchedulerMonthlyPrintStyle to show the text of the appointments, not only the dates.
Expose some of the printing methods to allow derived classes to override them for greater customization support.
When printing the timescale in the printed document should be the same as in the scheduler or with option for changing.
Add the NavigateBackwardsButton and NavigateForwardsButton's text to the localization provider. DECLINE REASON: The text in these buttons was visible due to an issue in the Aqua theme. The text of these buttons is not visible in any theme by design therefore this item will be declined as its implementation will be redundant.
Add the ability to have a scrollbar in the cell where AllDay appointments are stored. The scrollbar should show after a certain amount of AllDay appointments have been added.
Allow customizations of the height of RadSchedulers header in timeline view.
Expose events that are fired when the user click the navigation elements in RadScheduler.
Add possibility to manipulate appointments' height in the MonthView of RadScheduler.
Add possibility to customize the action of the overflow button in a month cell of RadScheduler.
The following scenario should be possible: 1. Create daily occurring appointment from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM 2. Edit the second occurrence to start at 12:00 PM to 01:00PM 3. Move it to the previous date. 3. Both the occurrence at 10:00 AM and the exception at 12:00PM should be visible
When the range factor of the ruler is less than one hour, it should be possible to enable displaying the partial times for each row (for example 10:15, 10:30, 10:45 ...)
The user should be able to continuously resize appointments to multiple days when dragging to the left or right.
When RadScheduler is in MultiDayView and you try to change the ruler scale to 5 min using the context menu of the ruler, the application will freeze.
If you create a recurring appointment, delete one of its occurrences and export the calendar, when you import it back the deleted occurrence will be visible.
If you add a recurring appointment in RadScheduler and you set its Visible property to false, the occurrences will still be visible.
multiDayView.AllowAppointmentResize = false will not prevent the appointments in MultiDayView from being resized and you should set radScheduler.AllowAppointmentResize instead.
The date label in RadSchedulerNavigator is not updated when you change the Intervals collection in multiday view.
If you add multiple intervals to MultiDayView and enable grouping, you will see that the displayed dates are not correct.
To reproduce the issue, add a RadDock with one tool window, add a RadSchedulerNavigator inside that window, run the project and unpin/pin the tool window. You will see that the selected timezone has changed. To workaround the issue, remove the AssociatedScheduler of RadSchedulerNavigator at design time and then add this code in the form's constructor: this.radSchedulerNavigator1.BindingContext = new BindingContext(); this.radSchedulerNavigator1.AssociatedScheduler = this.radScheduler1;