Last Updated: 02 Jul 2019 13:24 by ADMIN
Created by: Bert
Comments: 3
Category: Scheduler/Reminder
Type: Bug Report

Currently, I’m using the Radscheduler MultiDayView to create a “two week” view in which the end user has the possibility to choose if he wants to see weekend days or not.
When this view is used in combination with appointments spanning multiple days and the display of the weekend days, every thing works fine (with_weekend.png). The appointment starts at 06/21/19 05:00 and ends 06/24/19 21:05.
However, if weekend days are not shown in this view (without_weekend.png), part of the same appointment is shown on 06/25/19 and the end time on 06/24/19 is also incorrect.

How can I solve this? It is not an option to show it as an “All day appointment” since the customer wants to know the exact start and end time.

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