Implement a Gantt view in Scheduler We choose another approach for this and we implemented a whole new RadGanttView control instead. Of course it can be paired up with RadScheduler. Here is the product page:
Printing support
Add the possibility to have multiple time intervals for a working range and to have separate working ranges for different resources.
Add the possibility either for the end user or the developer to modify the width or height (whichever is relevant) of the resource areas in different views.
Currently, it is not possible to set for example 9:30 as a start scale for the ruler in DayView and WeekView.
Add the possibility to specify given date as a holiday.
Add vertical scroll bar to the month cell
The users will be doing a lot of drag/drop and there could be 10-15 appointments per day, so being able to see everything go makes the most sense. The row height should increace when containing more appointments and reduces its height if there are no appointments for that specific day.
IMPROVE. RadScheduler - add event that notifies when an appointment is added by the user. The event args should provide information whether the event is added via the edit appointment dialog or via the inline functionality
Please refer to the attached sample project. When you start the application the form's text indicates how many times the AppointmentFormatting event is fired for only 30 appointments - more than 400 times. The more appointments you have , the more times the vent is initially fired,e.g. if you have 50 appointmens it is fired If you switch between the different views you will see how the counter increases its value.
1. Add RadSchedulerNavigator and a RadScheduler. Change the view type to Week View. 2. Associate the RadSchedulerNavigator to RadScheduler. Change the PC's time zone to (UTC-03:00) Brasilia Time zone 3. Change the PC's date to 21 Oct 2016 and run the application. 4. When you change the time zone in RadSchedulerNavigator to (UTC-03:00) Brasilia Time zone, you will notice that the ruler starts from 23. Workaround: public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); radSchedulerNavigator1.AssociatedScheduler = radScheduler1; this.radScheduler1.ActiveViewChanged += radScheduler1_ActiveViewChanged; this.radScheduler1.CellElementMouseDown += radScheduler1_CellElementMouseDown; this.radScheduler1.AppointmentEditDialogShowing += radScheduler1_AppointmentEditDialogShowing; radScheduler1.ActiveViewType = Telerik.WinControls.UI.SchedulerViewType.Week; } DateTime? date = null; private void radScheduler1_CellElementMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { SchedulerCellElement cell = this.radScheduler1.ElementTree.GetElementAtPoint(e.Location) as SchedulerCellElement; if (cell != null) { date = cell.Date; } } CustomEditAppointmentDialog dialog = null; private void radScheduler1_AppointmentEditDialogShowing(object sender, AppointmentEditDialogShowingEventArgs e) { if (dialog == null) { dialog = new CustomEditAppointmentDialog(); } e.AppointmentEditDialog = dialog; if (date != null && !e.Appointment.Start.Equals(date)) { e.Appointment.Start = (DateTime)date; } date = null; } private void radScheduler1_ActiveViewChanged(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.SchedulerViewChangedEventArgs e) { SchedulerDayView dayView = e.NewView as SchedulerDayView; SchedulerWeekView weekView = e.NewView as SchedulerWeekView; if (dayView != null || weekView != null) { RulerPrimitive ruler = (this.radScheduler1.SchedulerElement.ViewElement as SchedulerDayViewElement).DataAreaElement.Ruler; ruler.GetType().GetField("defaultOffset", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(ruler, 0.0f); } } public class CustomEditAppointmentDialog : EditAppointmentDialog { protected override void LoadSettingsFromEvent(IEvent sourceEvent) { base.LoadSettingsFromEvent(sourceEvent); this.dateStart.Value = sourceEvent.Start; this.timeStart.Value = sourceEvent.Start; } }
Please refer to the attached screenshots. A sample project is attached. There is a known issue in the .NET Framework considering the "fa-IR" culture. Please refer to the following MSDN resource for a solution which is included in the sample project: Workaround: private void radScheduler1_CellFormatting(object sender, SchedulerCellEventArgs e) { MonthCellElement monthCellElement = e.CellElement as MonthCellElement; if (monthCellElement != null) { monthCellElement.Header.Text = monthCellElement.Date.ToString("dd", this.radScheduler1.Culture); } }
Please use the Demo application >> Scheduler example and follow the steps in the attached gif file.
Expected result: the deleted appointment should disappear from the grid after closing the edit dialog.
Actual result: the deleted appointment is still visible in the agenda grid after closing the edit dialog.
Note: pressing the Delete key when an appointment is selected in agenda view doesn't perform any delete operation. In the rest of the scheduler view, the selected appointment is deleted.
Workaround: after an appointment is deleted, refresh the agenda grid by changing the view:
Private Sub RadScheduler1_AppointmentDeleted(sender As Object, e As SchedulerAppointmentEventArgs)
Me.RadScheduler1.ActiveViewType = SchedulerViewType.Day
Me.RadScheduler1.ActiveViewType = SchedulerViewType.Agenda
End Sub
Currently, only one resource can be printed on a single page. It should be possible to print the appointments for more than one resource on a single page, just like RadScheduler allows you to set the number of resources per view.
this.radScheduler1.Appointments.EndUpdate(); Does not refresh the Scheduler view element.
Additional borders appear in AgendaView when the Date column is sorted. This behavior is observed in the following themes:
The local time is EEST — Eastern European Summer Time (Current Offset: UTC/GMT +3 hours). Add an additional time zone IST — India Standard Time (Current Offset: UTC/GMT +5:30 hours). It is expected to show 2 hours and 30 minutes difference between the two times zones. However, it is 1 hour and 30 minutes:
Public Sub New()
allTimeZones = SchedulerTimeZone.GetSchedulerTimeZones()
Dim mumbai As SchedulerTimeZone = GetSpecificTimeZone("India Standard Time")
If Not mumbai.Equals(Me.RadScheduler1.GetDayView().DefaultTimeZone) Then
RadScheduler1.GetDayView().TimeZones.Insert(0, mumbai)
End If
Dim utc As SchedulerTimeZone = GetSpecificTimeZone("UTC")
If Not utc.Equals(Me.RadScheduler1.GetDayView().DefaultTimeZone) Then
RadScheduler1.GetDayView().TimeZones.Insert(0, utc)
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetSpecificTimeZone(_TimeZoneInformationID As String) As SchedulerTimeZone
Dim tempZone As New SchedulerTimeZone((From t In allTimeZones.Where(Function(x) x.TimeZoneInformation.Id Like _TimeZoneInformationID) Select t.TimeZoneInformation).First)
tempZone.Label = tempZone.TimeZoneInformation.BaseUtcOffset.ToString()
Return tempZone
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function
Actual: 1 hour behind the expected
Public Class Form1
Private allTimeZones As List(Of SchedulerTimeZone)
Public Sub New()
Me.RadScheduler1.ElementProvider = New CustomSchedulerElementProvider(Me.RadScheduler1)
allTimeZones = SchedulerTimeZone.GetSchedulerTimeZones()
Dim mumbai As SchedulerTimeZone = GetSpecificTimeZone("India Standard Time")
If Not mumbai.Equals(Me.RadScheduler1.GetDayView().DefaultTimeZone) Then
RadScheduler1.GetDayView().TimeZones.Insert(0, mumbai)
End If
Dim utc As SchedulerTimeZone = GetSpecificTimeZone("UTC")
If Not utc.Equals(Me.RadScheduler1.GetDayView().DefaultTimeZone) Then
RadScheduler1.GetDayView().TimeZones.Insert(0, utc)
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetSpecificTimeZone(_TimeZoneInformationID As String) As SchedulerTimeZone
Dim tempZone As New SchedulerTimeZone((From t In allTimeZones.Where(Function(x) x.TimeZoneInformation.Id Like _TimeZoneInformationID) Select t.TimeZoneInformation).First)
tempZone.Label = tempZone.TimeZoneInformation.BaseUtcOffset.ToString()
Return tempZone
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function
End Class
Public Class CustomSchedulerElementProvider
Inherits SchedulerElementProvider
Public Sub New(scheduler As RadScheduler)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function CreateRulerPrimitive(area As DayViewAppointmentsArea, timeZone As SchedulerTimeZone) As RulerPrimitive
Dim ruler As RulerPrimitive = MyBase.CreateRulerPrimitive(area, timeZone)
ruler.RulerRenderer = New CustomRulerRenderer(ruler)
Return ruler
End Function
End Class
Public Class CustomRulerRenderer
Inherits RulerRenderer
Public Sub New(ruler As RulerPrimitive)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub RenderHour(g As IGraphics, hour As Integer, bounds As RectangleF)
hour += Me.ruler.StartScale + CInt(Math.Ceiling(Me.ruler.DefaultOffset))
Dim currentTime As DateTime = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(hour)
Dim percent As Single = Me.ruler.DefaultOffset - CSng(Math.Floor(CDbl(Me.ruler.DefaultOffset)))
Dim x As Integer = Me.ruler.HourLineStartPosition
Dim y As Single = CSng(Math.Ceiling(bounds.Top + (GetSpecificRange() * bounds.Height) * percent))
Dim hourText As String = ""
If Me.ruler.FormatStrings.HoursFormatString IsNot Nothing Then
hourText = currentTime.ToString(Me.ruler.FormatStrings.HoursFormatString)
End If
'Dim args As RulerTextFormattingEventArgs = New RulerTextFormattingEventArgs(hourText, RulerTextFormattingContext.Hour, currentTime)
'hourText = args.Text
Dim minutesText As String = ""
If Me.ruler.FormatStrings.MinutesFormatString IsNot Nothing Then
minutesText = currentTime.ToString(Me.ruler.FormatStrings.MinutesFormatString)
End If
'args = New RulerTextFormattingEventArgs(minutesText, RulerTextFormattingContext.Minute, currentTime)
'minutesText = args.Text
Dim measuredSize As Size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(hourText, Me.ruler.Font)
measuredSize = DrawTimeText(g, y, hourText, minutesText, measuredSize)
If ruler.RightToLeft Then
g.DrawLine(Me.ruler.HourLineColor, Me.ruler.Bounds.Left, y, Me.ruler.Bounds.Width - x, y, Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height)
g.DrawLine(Me.ruler.HourLineShadowColor, Me.ruler.Bounds.Left, y + Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height, Me.ruler.Bounds.Width - x, y + Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height, Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height)
g.DrawLine(Me.ruler.HourLineColor, x, y, Me.ruler.Bounds.Width, y, Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height)
g.DrawLine(Me.ruler.HourLineShadowColor, x, y + Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height, Me.ruler.Bounds.Width, y + Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height, Me.ruler.DpiScaleFactor.Height)
End If
End Sub
Friend Function GetSpecificRange() As Integer
Return 60 / CInt(Me.ruler.RangeFactor)
End Function
End Class
Currently RadScheduler can only group the appointments first by resource and then by date. It should be possible to group the appointments in day view and in week view first by date and then by resource.
The appointments area of RadScheduler in DayView or WeekView should be automatically scrolled when resizing appointments.