It will be nice if RadCalendar can show a popup list containing years. Currently, it supports only a list of months.
Set the RadCalendar's NavigationNextImage and NavigationPrevImage properties in design time through property grid. The assigned images is shown in the designer. When run the application the images do not be shown.
FIX. RadCalendar - add NewDate and OldDate to the SelectionEventArgs of the SelectionChanging event
To reproduce: select 01/01/0001 and click the previous button
The border of the special days in RadCalendar does not change on mouse leave.
When RadCalendar is docked inside a panel which is docked in a form and the calendar is in MultiMonth view, the month headers are not displayed properly.
The month selector of RadCalendar should fire Calendar.Navigating and Calendar.Navigated events.
RadCalendar throws an exception when you change the culture to ar-SA.
When changing CurrentViewRow or CurrentViewColumn of RadCalendar, the header is shown even when the ShowHeader is set to false.
Setting SelectedDate via code in RadCalendar does not work when AllowMultipleSelect is false.
RadCalendar crashes when the focused date is set to a value out of the current view and adding rows/columns is performed.
Add functionality to apply custom format to the current date in the footer area.
Add functionality to customize navigation steps in multiple view of the RadCalendar.
Fast navigation element displays duplicated items
RangeMinDate and RangeMaxDate properties of RadCalendar are not taken under consideration when a date is being selected.
radCalendar €“ set AllowMultipleView to be true. Set MultiViewColumn and MultiViewRow to be 2. Try to change the Culture and you will see error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.