Gridview doesn't update binding source current position after sorting and selecting row with the same offset position from the begining
Chechbox editor issue with value update and BeginEdit operation for next cell
If all rows are expanded in hierarchy, the last scroll position of the vertical scroll bar does not show all available rows from the child template.
Exception is thrown if the data source of second template is changed and rows are expanded in hierarchy.
The first row overlaps the GridTableElement's top border when group panel and column's headers are invisible.
1. Create a new project with RadGridView and bind it. 2. Use the cell Style property to add custom style to some cell. 3. Add a button and on button click call the Reset method of this style. 4. Run the application and click the button. You will see that the cell border is wrong.
FIX. RadGridView - the Text of GridColorCellElement cannot be set in CellFormatting
FIX. RadGridView - add property to GridSpinEditorElement which will prevent the value changing with mouse wheel
1. Open the demo application. 2. Select the GridView >> Columns >> Grid Views example. 3. Select table view 4. Select the last column. You will notice that RadGridView scrolls horizontally with 1 pixel.
1. Create a new project with RadGridView and bind it. 2. Add a button and on button click set the CurrentRow to null. 3. Add another button and on button click set the CurrentRow programmatically. 4. Run the project and click the buttons. You will see that the current row is not selected.
FIX. RadDropDownList - exception when filtering the drop down list with predicate
But I need to sort the gridview that I am dragging FROM, so the order of the rows does not change when I do that. If I have hundreds of items in a gridview, I want to sort it to be able to find the item that I am looking for, and then drag it to another gridview.
- load some rows in the grid and enable the multiple selection - hold Control key and click row 1 - while still holding down Control key click row 2 - > now both rows are selected - with the Control key still down click row 2 again At this point row 2 should get deselected, but it remains selected.
Improve the filtering by date time column by adding properties that enable choosing whether to include time part and seconds part
The UserAddingRow event is not fired when you click on empty area in RadGridView.
1. Create a new project with RadGridView 2. Bind a hierarchy with a large number of rows 3. Add two buttons and on button click call ExpandAll and CollapseAll methods 4. Run the project and click the first button
The GridViewImageColumn does not support custom TypeConverter
1. Inherit from RadGridView 2. Add the grid to IContainer 3. Bind the grid => the rows are not visible even though they are added and the binding is successful
ADD. RadGridView - add functionality to automatically scroll to the needed position, during multiple selection of cells with the traslucent rectangle. MultiSelect = true SelectionMode = cells
A new row is added twice when the RadGridView is bound to EntityCollection.