Saving a form with RadGridView produces the following error at design time: Code generation for property "PrintCellPaint" failed. We isolated the following steps which reproduce the issue: 1. Drag and drop RadPageView on the form. Add 2 pages. 2. Add a RadGridView to one of the pages. 3. Saved and opened the form. 4. Select the other page and save the form. case #1: If the grid is empty - Code generation for property 'PrintCellPaint' failed. Error was: 'Object does not match type.' case #2: If the grid is data bound - Code generation for property 'PropertyChanging' failed. Error was: 'Object does not match type.' The same errors if you use RadDock with tabbed documents.
If the dropdownlist editor is opened and closed quickly, it produces an exception. The timer of the RadListElement should be reset when the editor is closed and then reopened.
The ActiveEditor property of the event arguments of the CellEndEdit event always returns null. The property should be either removed or made return proper data.
To reproduce use the code below and try to type in "000" in a cell GridViewComboBoxColumn comboColumn = new GridViewComboBoxColumn("Phone"); radGridView1.Columns.Add(comboColumn); comboColumn.DataSource = new string[] { "0", "00", "000", "0001" }; comboColumn.Width = 200; comboColumn.DropDownStyle = RadDropDownStyle.DropDown; comboColumn.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
When the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods of RadGridView are used, the top summary row occurs twice when grouping is performed.
A few threads have been posted over the years to ask about natural sorting, which is clicking a column header to go Ascending, Descending, then back to the default unsorted mode on the third click. I looked around for a tri-state or three-state toggle and didn't find any info. Very helpful but incomplete info is found here and here, so I thought I'd provide C# code to help anyone else looking to do this. Some threads refer to MasterGridViewTemplate.AllowNaturalSort but that property no longer exists. My code is adapted from the second forum posting referenced. It looks like the library has changed since Sean wrote his code. Telerik.WinControls.Data.SortDescriptor.Direction is of type System.ComponentModel.ListDirection, and that enum only has two values. So the Boolean _sorted is used - if the grid is sorted in ascending or descending order, then use the sort order, but if we click past descending order, set _sorted to false (natural sort!) and clear the SortDescriptors. Of course clearing SortDescriptors means this only works with single column sorting. Maybe someone will follow-up here with a solution that works with multiple columns.
To reproduce: 1.Set the column AutoCompleteMode to suggest 2. Type a letter which does not exist in the records (if you have A, B, and C, use D) 3. Press escape 4. Type in another letter which does not exist => the exception is thrown The GridRowBehavior is trying to access the AutoCompleteAppend of the element, which is null, while we are in Suggest mode.
Currently the Excel-Like filtering popup displays all values regardless if other columns contain filter expressions. Deleted as a duplicate of
ADD. RadGridView should support binding to IQuerable
1. Create a new project with RadGridView and bind it. 2. Setup column groups view. 3. Change some column and set the data source again on button click. 4. Run the project
Horizontal cell navigation causes sometime scrolling per page instead of paging to the next invisible column.
RadGridView scrolls to right when clicking on a cell that is larger than the visible area.
We also have another grid (the Microsoft one) and in that one for resizing a vertical line is drawn to indicate the size of your column. Only when you release the mouse is the column actually resized. I think this is better for the performance of the grid. In the attachment you can see what I mean.
There should be a fit mode which allows one to print a RadGridView on two pages.
Horizontal scrolling when multiple selection is performed by mouse.
Vertical scrolling of self-referencing hierarchy in RadGridView is slow when there is more than 10 columns.
ADD. RadGridView - add support for self-reference hierarchy for child levels as well
The drag and drop of rows or columns to scroll the grid if the target item is not visible.
When a user groups the grid by a certain column and then attempts to drag the column back to the header, column reorder is possible, even though the AllowColumnReorder is false.
The following strings on the print settings dialog of RadGridView cannot be localized: "Page fit mode", "Print:", "Alternating row color", "Summary cells"