RadMessageBox(form) is a telerik replacement for the System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.
MessageBox has a parameter MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly which makes it (surprisingly) topmost. RadMessageBox does not have this option.
I have a scenario where the RadMessageBox is hidden by a total different application when shown. So I need to make it topmost.
Can you add some kind op RadMessageBoxOptions to make it topmost?
When trying to open the QuickStart solution from
C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik UI for WinForms 2025 Q1\Examples
installation folder, the following error appears:
Visual Studio 2022 crashes when working with a solution containing two WinForms projects:
Steps to Reproduce:
Expected Result:
Visual Studio should smoothly switch between code and designer views without issues.
Actual Result:
Visual Studio freezes and crashes after switching back to the WinForms designer in Project 2.
Additional Notes:
I've tested this with both Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadForm and Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadRibbonForm
Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadForm works fine! Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadRibbonForm fails to bubble up Keys.Up, Keys.Down, Keys.Left and Keys.Right
Create new WinForms project (I'm using .net 4.7.2)
Add Telerik extensions.
Add a Form (Windows Form default .Name = "Form1"), RadForm (default .Name = "RadForm1") and RadRibbonForm
You can use any Theme or default. Makes no difference.
Set all three form's .KeyPreview = True
Add this method to each form:
Private Sub form_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then
If My.Computer.Keyboard.ShiftKeyDown Then
MsgBox("Shift Up")
End If
End If
End Sub
Set your Startup Form = Form1 (The Windows Form) and click Start.
hit your UP-Arrow key. You'll get the MsgBox "Up!"
Hold shift+UP-Arrow and you'll get "Shift Up"
The above is True for Winforms AND RadForm but RadRibbonForm does this:
Set your Startup Form = radribbonform and click Start
Hit your UP-Arrow and you'll get...nothing. The event never gets raised.
Hold your shift+UP-Arrow and you'll get....nothing because the event does not fire when you hit any of the arrow keys.
To reproduce: please refer to the attached sample project and gif file. Workaround: use screentips: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/winforms/telerik-presentation-framework/tooltips-and-screentips/screen-tips
Hello there,
I am facing system.StackOverflowExcepiton while exporting document with HtmlFormatProvider. I am attaching my code with the HTML string which I am passing into RichTextEditor.
HTML String:
"Navigate to the <a href="https://exelon.ifs.cloud/landing-page/" target="_blank"><b><u>IFS Cloud Landing Page</u></b></a>.<br /> <br />NOTE: If the above link does not work for you, copy and paste this address ...<br /> <br /><u>https://exelon.ifs.cloud/landing-page/</u>"
Method which is giving me an error:
internal static string GetRadRichTextEditorHtmlValue(RadRichTextEditor radRichTextEditor, bool RemoveNewLineSpace = false, bool withDocumentChange = true, bool removeLastParagraphLine = false, bool fromDefinationEditor = false, bool OnlyHtml = false, bool fromDynamicAssetDefinition = false)
//internal static string GetRadRichTextEditorHtmlValue(RadRichTextEditor radRichTextEditor, bool RemoveNewLineSpace = false, bool withDocumentChange = true, bool removeLastParagraphLine = false, bool fromDefinationEditor = false,bool OnlyHtml=false)
string htmlValue = string.Empty;
if (radRichTextEditor == null)
return "";
Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Model.RadDocument document = radRichTextEditor.Document;
Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlFormatProvider provider = new Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlFormatProvider();
if (withDocumentChange)
//Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlExportSettings htmlExportSettings = new Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlExportSettings();
//htmlExportSettings.ExportHeadingsAsTags = true;
//provider.ExportSettings = htmlExportSettings;
provider.ExportSettings.DocumentExportLevel = Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Html.DocumentExportLevel.Fragment;
provider.ExportSettings.ExportFontStylesAsTags = true;
htmlValue = provider.Export(document); // Exception place.
if (withDocumentChange)
string strikeClassName = GetStrikeClassName(htmlValue);
htmlValue = GetTagValueFromHtmlString(htmlValue, fromDefinationEditor, fromDynamicAssetDefinition);
htmlValue = StripHtmlExceptFontTags(htmlValue, strikeClassName, RemoveNewLineSpace, OnlyHtml);
catch (Exception ex)
ClickLearn.Exceptions.ExceptionToEventLog(ex, "GetRadRichTextEditorHtmlValue");
// TO DO: Remove below condition when <br/> issue fixed fom editor
if (htmlValue.IndexOf("<br />") == 0 || htmlValue.IndexOf("</ br>") == 0)
htmlValue = htmlValue.Substring(6);
else if (htmlValue.IndexOf("<br/>") == 0 || htmlValue.IndexOf("</br>") == 0)
htmlValue = htmlValue.Substring(5);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlValue))
htmlValue = RemoveLastNewLine(htmlValue);
return htmlValue;
Control's properties:
ucRichTextBox ucRichTextBox2 = new ucRichTextBox(tagCommand.Tags, ce.CurrentLCID, true, MetadataProperties, ArgInfoList);
ucRichTextBox2.spd = spd;
ucRichTextBox2.Tag = tagCommand.Tags;
ucRichTextBox2.Name = "ucRichTextBox2";
ucRichTextBox2.Left = sx;
ucRichTextBox2.Top = y;
ucRichTextBox2.Width = pnlSPD.Width - leftPadding - rightPadding;
ucRichTextBox2.btnUnlock.Click += BtnUnlock_Click;
ucRichTextBox2.btnUnlock.Image = Properties.Resources.c_full;
ucRichTextBox2.btnUnlock.Tag = "c_full";
ucRichTextBox2.btnLockOption.Visible = true;
ucRichTextBox2.btnLockOption.MouseDown += BtnLockOption_MouseDown;
ucRichTextBox2.btnLink.Click += BtnLink_Click;
ucRichTextBox2.rtxContent.CommandExecuting += RtxContent_CommandExecuting;
ucRichTextBox2.btnSetting.ButtonElement.ToolTipText = argInfoUX12.ConfigDoc.ContainsKey
UI for the control:
Error message:
Me.radToggleSwith1.OffText = "OFF"
Me.radToggleSwith1.OnText = "ON"
Actual behavior
Excepted behavior
The method AddRange is also impacted by this bug.
This bug is about a mismatch between what behaviour is expected (on a functional level) and the actual behavior. There are different scenario's:
int index = myRadGridView.Rows.Add(1, 2, 3);
Actual and expected behavior
Adds a row to the grid, filling cells with the values 1, 2 and 3. Even when there are more columns than values, only the first 3 cells are filled.
int index = myRadGridView.Rows.Add(); // Will result in: myRadGridView.Rows.Add(new object[0]);
Actual behavior
IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown.
Expected behavior
A new row is added, the cells are not filled with anything, since it should not matter if 3, 4 or zero values are added to the cells. Or, if you are very strict, an ArgumentOutOfRangeException, telling us at least 1 value is required.
Of course there is also a NewRow() method. But that is no reason Add() should not be allowed to accept zero values.
int index = myRadGridView.Rows.Add((object[])null);
Actual behavior
A NullReferenceException is thrown.
Expected behavior
ArgumentNullException, telling us that parameter "values" is not allowed to be null.
int index = myRadGridView.Rows.Add(new GridViewDataRowInfo(...), new GridViewDataRowInfo(...));
// or
int index = myRadGridView.Rows.Add(new object[] { new GridViewDataRowInfo(...), new GridViewDataRowInfo(...) });
Actual behavior
Only the first row is added. The second row, or even the second value (integer, string, whatever) is totally ignored.
Expected behavior
The method Add(params object[] values) checks if the first value is a row, resulting in this and the previous bugs.
Actual behavior
The value contains a string representing the formatted and rounded value of the average of all values.
Expected behavior
The value contains a raw, not rounded, not formatted, decimal value.
I expect this behavior since GridSummaryCellElement has two properties: Text and Value.
I expect those to have difference functions. Value to hold the actual calculated value, and Text to hold the formatted, round string-equivalent.
Another reason why I expect this, is that Value is of type object, not of type string. So expect a value corresponding to the original datatype of the column and/or the result of the calculation.
Follow-up questions
When I use the new project wizard provided by Microsoft for a new windows forms project it lets me select the target .net version
When I do the same with the Telerik wizard, it does not let me choose what .net Version I'm targeting and does not generate the optimal code for the target version. For example when I target .net 9.0 with high dpi support, it should generate API calls for High DPI, not an entry in the app manifest. IMHO the generated code should be as close to the Microsoft Standard for the targeted .net version as possible.
Hi, all. I am using the example you guys provide in your website and you can get from here: https://www.telerik.com/blogs/winforms-scaling-at-large-dpi-settings-is-it-even-possible-#example
As you can see in the image, I open the form in my main screen with Scale 100%. I have a second screen running in 150%. When I grab the form near to the left edge side of it, it resizes in one way, what I believe that is the correct way. However, if you grab the form near to right edge side, near the minimize, maximize and close button, it resizes differently. We have several users using our application and we are not able to fix this scalling issue, even in your own example. Could you guys have a look at it and prioritize? This kind of issue has been around for a long time without a final resolution. if not possible, let us know that we will have to decide move to another development tool.
Telerik version: 2024.2.514
I would like to see a new property added to the RadLabel control: Style. Style is an enumeration with layout styles like in MS-Word:
When the style is applied, the styling (font, color, background, etc.) is applied conform the currently active Theme. Therefor all themes need to be expended to support this setting.
Of course the enum label 'Custom' should be present (or null) when a user tries to override the style-related properties (like font, color, background, etc.)
This is very usefull when a programmer wants to build his own form (with or without Layout / Flow controls).
Telerik already uses it a bit themselves: Some (data entry) controls already generate (group) headers and captions in there forms.
In this case, we have an MS standard Form with control position on the form. Each of the controls has the right anchor. Moving the form to a monitor with a higher resolution messed up the size of the controls.
Set IsThreeState property to true and choose ToggleState to Indeterminate.