To reproduce: run the project, load the document available in the project's folder and start clicking the words. You will notice that the cursor is shifted on the right. Workaround: don't enable the RightToLeft property.
When there is a hyperlink enclosed in another annotation (e.g comment, bookmark, read-only range), and the user moves the caret position just before or just after the hyperlink, and starts typing there, the text is inserted with the style of the hyperlink (by default, blue with blue underline). Instead, the text should be inserted without such style.
Applying negative LeftIndent or FirstLineIndent of a paragraph in web layout mode will visualize the paragraph to the left of RadRichTextBox boundaries.
<samp> HTML element could be imported as span with specific formatting. Currently it's just ommited.
To reproduce: run the project and maximize the form. When you enter some text you will notice that the text is cut off. Workaround: use paged layout.
Currently unknown/unsupported elements are skipped, which potentially loses text content. Consider adding setting in HtmlImportOptions allowing the phrasing content (text) of these elements to be imported. Sample HTML: <html> <body> <test-test>test-test</test-test> <body/> </html> Browsers visualize it as "test-test", while RadRichTextBox doesn't import anything. MS Word imports such elements as inline elements (just like spans).
To reproduce: please refer to the attached sample project and follow the steps in the gif file. Workaround: private void radRichTextEditor1_CommandExecuting(object sender, Telerik.WinForms.Documents.RichTextBoxCommands.CommandExecutingEventArgs e) { if (e.Command is ChangeIntegratedWatermarkTypeCommand && this.radRichTextEditor1.LayoutMode!= Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Model.DocumentLayoutMode.Paged) { e.Cancel = true; } }
When the rtf document contains a table as the one below and the empty declaration is used in the following structure, the document cannot be imported: {\fonttbl {\f0 Verdana;} {\f1 Times New Roman;} {\f2 ;} {\f3 Segoe UI;}}
See attached!
The field result shows the number of pages the current section contains.
Currently invalid attribute values, including invalid or empty values in CSS attributes in the 'style' attribute, could cause importing property with incorrect value, or NullReferenceException (the document cannot be imported). Examples: ---------------------------------------------------------- <table width=”*”> <tr> <td>More Random Text</td> </tr> </table> The table is imported with 0 width. Instead the width should not be set. ---------------------------------------------------------- <table style="font-size:;"> <tr> <td>More Random Text</td> </tr> </table> NullReferenceException is thrown. ---------------------------------------------------------- <p style='padding: 3px 3px 3xp 7px;'>test</p>
IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown.
----------------------------------------------------------Workaround: replace the invalid values before import: string importString = html.Replace("font-style: ;", "");
To reproduce: var d = new RadDocument(); var s = d.GetStatisticsInfo(); Workaround: var d = new RadDocument(); if (d.Sections.Count > 0 && d.Sections.Last.Blocks.Count >0) { var s = d.GetStatisticsInfo(); }
When the document is protected, CommandExecuting is not raised when the user double clicks the header or footer area.
I added this line just before Application.Run(new MainForm()); in Word-inspired project:
RichTextBoxLocalizationProvider.CurrentProvider = RichTextBoxLocalizationProvider.FromFile(@
I took RichTextBoxStrings.xml from localization page of RichTextEditor. In the xml file I converted all the text between <value> tags to uppercase, and also replaced "OK" (value of "Confirm" data element) with "AYE". I expected all the OK's in all the forms within rich text editor to be replaced, but they all remained as "Ok" (note the lower case "k" here). Well, all except Page Layout > Columns form, which did display AYE, and also References > Insert citation. So, here are the issues that I found:
To create AllCapsRichTextBoxStrings.xml, make a copy of provided resource file, open it in Notepad++ and replace all <value>([^<]*)</value> with <value>\U\1\E</value> using regular expressions, and then replace all &, < and > with &, < and >.
Right-click on header/footer usually does nothing. If we double-click them we enter their edit mode. After we close header and footer and right-click on them we get context menu as if we are still in edit mode. If we scroll out of view of header/footer, and then back in, right-click will again do nothing.
Also, separate but similar bug, in demo document's footer there is a three-column table. It is possible to resize with the mouse all the columns widths, and even the row height. Mouse will change shape, as if in edit mode. It is not necessary to enter and leave edit mode like in previous case, the error is observable from the start. But if we scope out and scope back in the changes are undone, in a way like in previous case.
In R2 2019 RichTextEditor has a new GUI element, a toggle button named Simplified Ribbon. It looks neat, and I like it, but now I have to localize it. There is a link to a strings file on page , but I can't find the text "simplified ribbon" in that xml file.
My fallback plan is to download the whole Telerik source code, I'm just reminding you here to update the file. And to ask you to update the file together with Telerik update in the future.