Last Updated: 20 Nov 2014 14:07 by Richard
To reproduce: 
1. Add a RadGridView, a RadDataEntry, a RadBindingNavigator and a MS BindingNavigator.
2. Bind all of the above controls to absolutely the same BindingSource, e.g. Northwind.Categories table.
3. Click over the "Add" button of the RadBindingNavigator/MS BindingNavigator once. RadGridView displays the new record, but the RadDataEntry does not show it. Each next click of the "Add" button navigates the RadDataEntry to the previously added record.



this.radBindingNavigator1.BindingNavigatorElement.AddNewButton.Click += AddNewButton_Click;

private void AddNewButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

//MS BindingNavigator:

ToolStripButton addButton = (ToolStripButton)this.bindingNavigator1.Items[this.bindingNavigator1.Items.Count - 2] ;
if (addButton != null)
    addButton.Click += addButton_Click;

private void addButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Last Updated: 01 Oct 2014 12:15 by Jason
To reproduce:
- Bind RadDataEntry to an object that has DateTime property.
- Change the value using the FreeFormDateTime mask type (enter 101010).
- The value is not changed.


RadDateTimePicker editor;

void radDataEntry1_EditorInitializing(object sender, EditorInitializingEventArgs e)
    if (e.Property.Name == "obj")
        editor = new RadDateTimePicker();
        editor.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Short;
        editor.DateTimePickerElement.TextBoxElement.MaskType = MaskType.FreeFormDateTime;
        RadMaskedEditBoxElement element = editor.DateTimePickerElement.TextBoxElement.TextBoxItem.Parent as RadMaskedEditBoxElement;
        FreeFormDateTimeProvider provider = element.Provider as FreeFormDateTimeProvider;

        provider.ParsedDateTime += provider_ParsedDateTime;

        e.Editor = editor;

void provider_ParsedDateTime(object sender, EventArgs e)
    editor.Value = (DateTime)(sender as FreeFormDateTimeProvider).Value;
Last Updated: 07 Jul 2014 12:44 by ADMIN
To reproduce:
- Create a binding source and use the following datatable as its datasource:
 static DataTable GetTable()
    DataTable table = new DataTable();

    table.Columns.Add("Str", typeof(string));
    table.Columns.Add("Days", typeof(Days));
    table.Rows.Add("Value 1", Days.Fri);
    table.Rows.Add("Value 2", Days.Mon);

    return table;

- Bind the data entry to the binding source
- You will notice that the enum value is not displayed.

void radDataEntry1_BindingCreating(object sender, BindingCreatingEventArgs e)
    if (e.DataMember == "Days")
        e.PropertyName = "SelectedIndex";

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