Some of our customers prefer a seamless design integration of their individual software solutions into the SAP ecosystem (e.g. in context of the BTP platform). So it would be nice to have a SAP Fiori theme like in Kendo UI for jQuery:
Kendo provides a means to build your theme with SCSS variables in the build process. It would be great if it were possible to have these variables scoped to specific contexts, eg <div class="panel-dark"> receives the panel-dark themes, whereas if it is a child of "panel-light" then it receives the panel-light themes. Some of these kinds of features may be on the way with upcoming Custom Element features eg :part, :theme, but could potentially be possible today by having a style transclusion component, something like <kendo-theme-adjuster [styleCallback]="scssVariableSetter()"><my-content></my-content></kendo-theme-adjuster>. We need to support a variety of component themes simultaneously (not just switch back and forth) within a single app, and would like to not need to manually override all the kendo styles in these situations.
All the themes has Mobile support except the kendo.bootstrap-v4, we need the mobile support for new bootstrap v4. current bootstrap 4 css : Expected Mobile Support css :
For now 2 css are used (kendo.common.css and kendo.theme_name.css) for whatever widgets are present on the page. Would be nice to have styles for different widgets separated into single css files (as it is in jQueryUI), so that, if I need only a DropDownList on the page, I include something line "kendo.core.css" and "kendo.dropdown.css" and the whole css framework would not be downloaded each time.
Kendo UI jQuery does already have Metro themes. Pls add this for new Kendo UI, too!
In the new SASS Default v2 theme, you took away too much contrast compared to the original default theme. Why? Don't you know that many people find it hard to read things where the text color is too close in value to the color of the background color?? Please stop with the very low contrast.
Since there will be a theme for Microsoft SharePoint 2013/Office365 it would be nice if there would be a theme for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015. This would be really helpful.
add a new theme/style according Atlassian User interface guidelines see: would allow to integrate kendoui elements in all Atlasssian Products
It is very difficult to recreate the custom theme that looks exactly like the old custom theme unless we remember or write down each and every step used to create the custom theme. So if kendo provides a way to save the custom theme settings which can be used when recreating the custom theme when upgrading the Kendo UI.
Let developers of MVC Extensions apps vote on their favorite themes to be upgraded from "legacy" status to officially supported status for Kendo UI Web: I vote for Vista theme
On the themeroller, add an option to output not just @import theme-template.less, but just import the styles/files required for selected components. Would be good to have a sass option too
All of your templates use the exact same sprites. Your themes just change the colors, which we can do from the themebuilder. I think it would be more beneficial to have some different 'looks'. For example, you have the 'Legacy' MVC themes available. Not only do they use a different set of sprites, but they look different and there are like 13 of them. As Kendo UI is now, there are 5 themes and they are all pretty much the same, with different colors. Please provide other options. Please make the MVC 'Legacy' themes part of the standard Kendo themes. Please provide different icon sets. Maybe we could even pick a theme and pick an icon set or a look, etc.
No Web UI framework out there makes it easy to tackle the problem of Gradients. If Kendo implemented first class Gradient support in the theme designer it would make Web site / Apps that use Kendo that much richer than their competitors. In addition, the user can currently type in Hex but ti would be nice if there was a full RGB + HSB color palette for color design.
I'd love for the ability to choose between the light/dark version of the icons in the sprite.png file. As of now, most of the themes contain a light and a dark version. However, there is no easy way to choose between the too when I'm writing my code. The only way to change is to go into the CSS file and override it manually. This has been an issue already, because at least once now the classes have changed, causing me to go back and make further edits to my CSS file. it should be something as simple as adding a light/dark class to element so that it knows to choose the appropriate background position for the sprite. This seems like something very easy to do that doesn't require much programming. I hope to see this soon!