Under Review
Last Updated: 13 Aug 2024 07:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Simon
Comments: 4
Type: Feature Request
How do you set separate padding for different size buttons? I want to make use of the small, medium, large sizes available in the toolkit, but in Themebuilder, it seems there is only one size button
Under Review
Last Updated: 19 Oct 2022 06:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Slim
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request


Currently, ThemeBuilder Pro is not supporting ASP.NET AJAX.

So, we would like the ability to create theme for ASP.NET AJAX.


Under Review
Last Updated: 23 Jan 2023 13:20 by ADMIN
I am wanting to change the padding on all components on a Bootstrap theme. The defaults appear to be .375 rem X .75 rem. I would like to change all components that have those theme settings to a custom number. Is there any way to do it beside selecting one component at a time and working down through the list? 
Under Review
Last Updated: 01 Nov 2022 09:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Marcus
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request
Is there any thought on reintroducing the possibility to export a storybook instance from themebuilder pro as there was in Unite UX. Would be very nice to have a place to explore the KendoUI components with our own theme!
Under Review
Last Updated: 02 Mar 2023 14:41 by ADMIN
Created by: Jan
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request


I think it would be very useful if ThemeBuilder editor could somehow highlight changes done to components, their parts and their properties. 

Currently, when I want to review styling changes that I (or my coworkers) made in the past, I have to go through every part of component and look for the "revert" button.

If those changes were highlighted (see attached screenshot), it would greatly improve our workflow with ThemeBuilder.

Under Review
Last Updated: 03 Nov 2022 17:31 by Brian
Created by: Brian
Comments: 2
Type: Feature Request

Hello. We'd like the pager to behave in such a manner so that when the user mouses over the selected button it stays the same color etc. instead of changing to the hover state. So if that means adding a Selected-Hover State to the Pager, that would be much appreciated.