In Development
Last Updated: 24 Apr 2024 15:37 by ADMIN

Test Studio supports adding a single custom base test class in the project. If one more base test class is defined and listed in a test code-behind file, the coded steps will be listed as empty and will not show the option to choose any of the methods in the test class.The steps will be still executed, but no changes can be applied within Test Studio (only in VS).

because I want many test sharing the same OnAfterTestCompleted(), instead of adding it to each test, I created new class:


namespace test_studio_tests
    public class CustomWebAiiTest : BaseWebAiiTest
        public override void OnAfterTestCompleted(TestResult result)
            // some code to be executed 

and then all the tests to inherit from this new class

public class TestClass : CustomWebAiiTest

instead of Base one as they did so far. in TS project keep compiling, but then all the tests have extra icon and coded steps are not recognized anymore. in the meantime in VS2022 with TS plugin, all is recognized and keep working without any issue.

In Development
Last Updated: 26 Mar 2018 12:25 by ADMIN

1. Create ApiTesting project with 2 tests - one passing and one that is disabled

2. Run the project from command line with a batch file

3. Check the exit code of the runner process - see the attachec cmd file for example

Expected: The exit code should be 0 (success)

Actual: The exit code is 1 (failed)
In Development
Last Updated: 21 Mar 2017 13:49 by ADMIN
Created by: Philipp
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request
As C# developer i can test almost everything with the Test studio =>
- Website / Desktop Client

But where i need it the most, Xamarin Android i need to use another tool. It would be really helpful to have the ability to test it all with one Tool. 

Since Test studio already supports Android / iOS, is it might not a big problem to also support Xamarin (Android & iOS).