Last Updated: 01 Feb 2024 16:53 by David
Created by: David
Comments: 2
Category: DataForm
Type: Feature Request

Data Form Editors expose the property EditorStyle to allow setting the input control's overall style. But some input control have multiple styles not so easily set.

As the input control is also the Editor's base content, instead exposing content as the appropriate type allows all of the input controls styles to be set.

Here is my working example in my KingdomContacts app for one editor:

namespace KingdomContacts.Controls;
using Telerik.Maui.Controls;
public class KcNumericDfEditor : DataFormRadNumericEditor
    public RadNumericInput? Editor => base.Content as RadNumericInput;

I have made similar adaptations for all the other Data Form editors I use. Simple and easy to work with; far easier than guessing what to do with EditorStyle.

Would be even easier if a similar line were inside your editors -- then I would not need to make my own customizations.