Last Updated: 03 Sep 2024 10:25 by Erik Damgaard
On Samsung devices the numeric keyboard has the dot and minus sign on same button. When using the numeric masked entry I cannot enter "-" and "." signs.
Last Updated: 21 May 2024 12:30 by Stefanie
Typing into the input field sometimes does not update the MaskedEntry's Value immediately - the last character is always missing.
Last Updated: 17 May 2024 05:23 by Stefanie
If you use the Autofill from Contacts feature on iOS to set the MaskedEntry Value, any Value update inside the ValueChanging event is not respected in that case.
Last Updated: 14 Apr 2023 09:00 by Bojan
In some cases, the masked entry does not manage to accept the last digit when typing in, or directly setting the Value property. One example is this string: "169.254.1.  1". Note that there are two spaces right before the last digit. As a result of this, the mask displays "169.254._1_.___", which contains an incorrect value as it is missing the last byte.