I would like to set the Keyboard Type the same way as it's possible for the regular Entry (see docs).
The reason is that I have a MaskedEntry with a mask that allows only numeric input. That's why I want to set Keyboard="Numeric".
This is how it should look like in the end:
Mask="00:00" />
When I register the pages and controls using AddTransient it works but when I use AddSingleton it doesn't.
System.InvalidOperationException: PlatformView cannot be null here [mono-rt] at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2[[Microsoft.Maui.ILayout, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroup, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].get_PlatformView() in ViewHandlerOfT.cs:line 36 [mono-rt] at Telerik.Maui.Handlers.RadMaskedEntryHandler.GetTextInputFromNativeVisualTree() [mono-rt] at Telerik.Maui.Handlers.RadMaskedEntryHandler.UpdateNativeTextInput() [mono-rt] at Telerik.Maui.Handlers.RadMaskedEntryHandler.NativeView_ChildViewRemoved(Object sender, ChildViewRemovedEventArgs args)