Last Updated: 24 Sep 2020 07:50 by ADMIN

Goodmorning Progress,

We're working quite some time with Kendo for Vue and we are slowly migrating some old 'wrapper' grids to the new native grids. We know there are some limitations in it, because not everything is developed yet, but that wasn't a show stopper for us.

Or project uses quite a lot of data (like a google sheet) and we need it to be editable. So we implemented a native grid and a custom cell render with a VueComponent. This works perfect in case of a little amount of cells, but when there are more rows and columns it's giving us some performance issues.

First we tried virtual scrolling, but this feel 'honky-bonky' and is not even workable on a mac. Then we tried column-virtualization to minimize the rendered data, but also that didn't work. Columns aren't re-rendered when visible and its conflicting with our three locked start columns (visually data overlapping, numbers go through each other, etc).

Then our options are down to zero, so i started to investigate with some performance profiling what's happening. In our case we have 70 columns and 500 rows, this results in like 35k cells. Rendering isn't the big issue, until u start interact with the grid. Our RowClick-function sets one item in the data-items to 'inEdit' like the docs also showing. When this is happening the page freezes and i start wondering why. I found out that ALL the GridCell's (with a custom CellRender) are calling the updateRender-function. So 35k functions are called in some milliseconds and causes it to freeze. It takes around 30 sec's to get it a bit reactive, but you can understand its not workable anymore.

Our wrapper grids hadn't a single problem with handling these kids of data (no paging, no weird stuff, also custom renders for every cell)

Can you please provide me an answer why this is happening? It's possible to get access to our test-environment with the grids in action to visualize my problem a bit better. 

We have a payed license on a co-worker account (berend.haan@..).

Kind regards, 

Last Updated: 03 Sep 2020 04:31 by ADMIN
In the vue native grid, the inputs rendered in the filter row don't have a title or accessible name. This would make it nearly impossible for someone using a screen reader to understand what each field means. In order to comply with WCAG 4.1.2 (Name, Role, Value) please add a title and/or aria-label/labelledby attribute to these inputs. 

The jquery grid has the aria-label and title populated with the column name. I think it'd be even more useful if the label said "Filter by {columnName}".
Last Updated: 29 Apr 2020 14:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Sander
Comments: 7
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Hi Kendo.


We're trying to replace Vue Grid Wrapper with the new Native Grid and most things works awesome. We only have one blocking feature that isn't inplemented yet.


So my question is when is the footer-logics comming for the native grid. We want to show aggregates in the fixed footer and it would be awesome it is like the 'headerCellRender' function defined on the grid. We know there is a gouping aggregate, but this isn't the thing we want.


Is there any idea when or even if it is comming to the native grid?


Kind regards,


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