Last Updated: 20 Mar 2024 12:22 by ADMIN
 clear Button isn't shown when attribute showClearButton is 'true'.
    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 example-col">
      <KInput :style="{ width: '330px' }" :show-clear-button="true"></KInput>
import { Input } from '@progress/kendo-vue-inputs';

export default {
  components: {
    KInput: Input,

Last Updated: 19 Mar 2024 12:51 by ADMIN


I have a Grid inside a TabStrip. Resizable is set to true. If I resize the column, the column will change size but at the same time the width of the Grid will also change size proportional to the change in size of the column.

If I move the Grid to be outside of the TabStrip, resizing the column will not alter the width of the Grid. This is the behaviour I was expecting.

Here is some sample code that reproduces the issue.

<TabStrip :selected="0" :tabs="[
		title: 'Paris',
		content: 'Paris',
	<template v-slot:Paris>
		<Grid ref="grid" :style="{ 'max-height': '600px' }" :data-items="variations" :resizable="true"
			:reorderable="false" :columns="caseGridColumns" :loader="loader"
			@rowclick="(ev) => { caseStore.setCaseId(ev.dataItem.cases.caseid); getData(); }">
				No variations were found

Last Updated: 07 Mar 2022 14:25 by ADMIN
Here is an example: 

Trying both variations as your documentation is inconsistent on the naming. But neither way gets the views to show times at 15 minute increments. 
Last Updated: 23 Jun 2020 02:57 by icq
Created by: icq
Comments: 4
Category: Kendo UI® for Vue
Type: Bug Report

I have a kendo wrapper grid with local datasource pointing to vue state.
There is a button "Update" which will update the state so that the grid will be updated as well and it works.

But, if I firstly click the button "Test" (just only a same value assignment to state) and then click "Update", strangely it does not work so the grid has no change.
I finally found out the reason is that after clicked "Test" then "Update", the vue state updated BUT the kendo grid datasource won't (out of sync unexpectedly)
So the temp solution is I have to manually assign the state to the datasource so that the grid will be updated.


My question is why, after clicked 'Test', the kendo grid datasource became cached and out of sync with the vue state?
If I don't click 'Test', they do sync always.
Problem occur only when "same value assignment" to the state. If "different value assignment", no problem.


<div id="vueapp">
    <kendo-datasource ref="dsDS" :data="localDataSource"></kendo-datasource>
    <kendo-grid :data-source-ref="'dsDS'">
        <kendo-grid-column :field="'ProductID'"
        <kendo-grid-column :field="'ProductName'"></kendo-grid-column>
        <kendo-grid-column :field="'UnitPrice'"
                           :title="'Unit Price'"
        <kendo-grid-column :field="'UnitsInStock'"
                           :title="'Units In Stock'"
        <kendo-grid-column :field="'Discontinued'" :width="120"></kendo-grid-column>
    <input type="button" value="Test" @click="test" />
    <input type="button" value="Update" @click="update" />

new Vue({
    el: '#vueapp',
    data: {
        localDataSource: [{
                "ProductID": 1,
                "ProductName": "Chai",
                "UnitPrice": 18,
                "UnitsInStock": 39,
                "Discontinued": false,
                "ProductID": 2,
                "ProductName": "Chang",
                "UnitPrice": 17,
                "UnitsInStock": 40,
                "Discontinued": false,
                "ProductID": 3,
                "ProductName": "Aniseed Syrup",
                "UnitPrice": 10,
                "UnitsInStock": 13,
                "Discontinued": false,
    methods: {
      test: function(e) {
        this.localDataSource = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.localDataSource)); //same value assignment
      update: function(e) {
        this.localDataSource.splice(0, 1, this.localDataSource[1]); //replace the first object with second object