Last Updated: 20 Apr 2021 07:58 by ADMIN
Created by: n/a
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI® for Vue
Type: Feature Request
Add a BreadCrumb component to the Kendo UI for Vue suite. 
Last Updated: 16 Apr 2021 07:29 by ADMIN
Created by: Jeong
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI® for Vue
Type: Feature Request

Hi. I would like to share  my experience and thought of Kendo for Vue.

I still like and am using Kendo for Vue but here is my feedback :)

I reviewed the Kendo Vue version and made a purchase.
However, as a result of evaluating, there are some areas that are a bit disappointing.
It seemed that there were most of the templates that could be used in jQuery.
Checking with the Vue version, most of the examples and event handling are not written, and there are much information that I have to go and check with jQuery version.
If it is enough description and information about Direct code that can use examples and event handling in Vue version
in detail on the site, it would be much easier to use.

Thank you.

Last Updated: 26 Feb 2021 13:46 by ADMIN

I'm submitting a bug report

Current behavior

When you sort a column in the spreadsheet, enter data, and then trigger the data source's sync method, the data source will send incorrect data to it's transport function. It acts as if you entered data and the columns haven't been sorted yet.

Expected behavior

The data source should take into account column sorting for keeping track of changes.

Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions

  1. Open this sample code
  2. Once the page loads, sort the first ("ID") column from Z to A.
  3. Enter any value in the empty C2 cell (should be the row with ID = 3)
  4. Click the "SAVE" button at the top to call the data source's sync() method.
  5. Look at the console output, which shows what the data source has tracked as changed. (options.data.updated)
  6. Observe that the value of options.data.updated shows that the row with ID = 1 has been updated, rather than the row with ID = 3, which is shown in the UI.


Apologies if I have misunderstood how the data source is suppose to work.


Last Updated: 24 Sep 2020 08:16 by ADMIN
Created by: Derek
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI® for Vue
Type: Feature Request
Please add Vue wrappers for Kendo Drag and Drop functionality.
Last Updated: 24 Sep 2020 08:02 by ADMIN
Created by: Wayne Hiller
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI® for Vue
Type: Feature Request
Please add official support for parceljs bunder.  https://parceljs.org/
Last Updated: 24 Sep 2020 08:01 by ADMIN

I am using Kendo Vue Wrapper Grid that is editable. I am using the propery 


but the new rows are always added at the top.

There is another open issue related to this.



Please provide a fix.


Last Updated: 12 Aug 2020 06:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Oliver
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI® for Vue
Type: Feature Request

Consider a standard chart with time periods on the x-axis, The most recent period is to the right. If you look at the chart with all periods visible and you zoom in, the chart zooms into the center of the chart. So the most recent period drops out to the right and the older periods to the left. 



Use a property to stick the most recent period to the right, even if you zoom in. Currently the chart zooms into the center. The requested behaviour would be: Keep the right (or left) border and zoom in/out to the left (or right) side. So regardless of the zoom level, the most right (or left) item is allways visible.
Last Updated: 14 Jul 2020 14:05 by ADMIN
Created by: Jim
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI® for Vue
Type: Feature Request


It is possible to display a vertical bar as highlighted in the image, which is in date and time range. This for time stamps not worked. Example for lunch, or not working due to bad weather.


Last Updated: 07 Jul 2020 18:23 by Jim
Created by: JangHyen
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI® for Vue
Type: Feature Request
Add the option of displaying multiple related tasks on one row in the Gantt chart.
Last Updated: 29 Jan 2020 13:43 by ADMIN
Created by: Svetlana
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI® for Vue
Type: Feature Request

Hi all!.

Are your planning to create native gantt component?

1 2 3