Last Updated: 27 Apr 2023 11:25 by ADMIN
Created by: RDot
Comments: 1
Category: ComboBox
Type: Bug Report
Is their a way to keep the iPhone keypboard form popping when the combobox has focus?

These are the things that have been tried -

  • Input attribute readonly = true.
  • Input keydown event return false.
    • Also added event listener with function to handleKeyPress and return false
  • Kendo attribute adaptive = true.
  • Input attribute inputMode = 'none'
  • Setting inputProps readonly = true and inputMode = 'none
  • Planned
    Last Updated: 29 Nov 2023 06:23 by ADMIN
    Created by: Simonas
    Comments: 1
    Category: ComboBox
    Type: Bug Report

    Attempting to select a comboBox value with a down arrow key press when there is only a single item in array results in a crash.

    I'm adding a link to a modified version of combobox demo showcasing the error.
    Steps for reproduction:

    1. Select comboBox field
    2. Click arrow key down to select first and only entry in the comboBox