Last Updated: 21 Aug 2023 06:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Jason
Comments: 5
Category: ComboBox
Type: Feature Request

Using a ComboBox with suggest=true, it will suggest values using a case-insensitive comparison; however, when tabbing out of the combobox, it will only select the suggested value if the value typed so far matches exactly.

Using the example from the KendoReact documentation, if I typed 'Aus' then it will suggest Austria, and if I tab out, Austria is selected. If I type 'aus' it will also suggest Austria, but when I tab out, nothing is selected.

Looking at ComboBox.tsx in the source code, it seems like this hard-coded true on line 471 is preventing this behavior:

const valueIndex = getItemIndexByText(data, text, textField, true);

Is there any way to make it select the suggested value on blur even if the cases don't match? Note that this is the default behavior of the Angular ComboBox.

Last Updated: 10 Feb 2023 14:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Levi
Comments: 1
Category: ComboBox
Type: Feature Request

The React ComboBox and Autocomplete do not support the valueRender prop, so a selected value cannot have a custom display. The DropDownList does however - they should all be consistent in this.

DropDownList reference:
React Dropdowns Library & DropDownList Component - Custom Rendering - KendoReact Docs & Demos (telerik.com)

Last Updated: 27 Apr 2023 11:25 by ADMIN
Created by: RDot
Comments: 1
Category: ComboBox
Type: Bug Report
Is their a way to keep the iPhone keypboard form popping when the combobox has focus?

These are the things that have been tried -

  • Input attribute readonly = true.
  • Input keydown event return false.
    • Also added event listener with function to handleKeyPress and return false
  • Kendo attribute adaptive = true.
  • Input attribute inputMode = 'none'
  • Setting inputProps readonly = true and inputMode = 'none
  • Unplanned
    Last Updated: 31 May 2023 05:47 by ADMIN
    Created by: Miika
    Comments: 1
    Category: ComboBox
    Type: Feature Request


    How can I add tagRenderer to combo box?

    There's option to add tagRenderer on multiselect, but at least I didn't see an option to add tagRenderer to drop down that allows only single selection.


    Last Updated: 29 Nov 2023 06:23 by ADMIN
    Created by: Simonas
    Comments: 1
    Category: ComboBox
    Type: Bug Report

    Attempting to select a comboBox value with a down arrow key press when there is only a single item in array results in a crash.

    I'm adding a link to a modified version of combobox demo showcasing the error.
    Steps for reproduction:

    1. Select comboBox field
    2. Click arrow key down to select first and only entry in the comboBox