Last Updated: 05 Jan 2024 06:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Vladislav
Comments: 1
Category: DateInput
Type: Feature Request


For DateInput, we need the ability, the user can write value without restrictions / separators. Now, there is more problems, for example with copy paste.

I am writing the request as a response to my question in the forum:

DateInput in KendoReact | Telerik Forums




Last Updated: 29 Mar 2024 15:43 by ADMIN
Created by: Julian Turner
Comments: 2
Category: DateInput
Type: Feature Request
The DateInput spinners default to changing the first section of the date, which in my case would be the month. However, my users are going to want to change the day unless they have selected a date part like the year. I would appreciate a way to specify which date part the spinners should control if no part of the input is selected?