Last Updated: 22 Sep 2021 07:28 by ADMIN
Created by: TechShare
Comments: 9
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
In other Kendo Grid libraries, the grid columns auto set their widths depending on the content in the column. This feature is not available in KendoReact, can it be added?
Last Updated: 23 Sep 2019 08:57 by ADMIN
Created by: ben
Comments: 12
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
in 0.3.0 release I was able to describe a column by percentages.  i.e.

<Column field="certification" title="Certification" width="40%" />

This no longer works in the 1.0.1 release
Last Updated: 15 Oct 2018 07:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Andreas
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
As in the JQuery Version, the Column Menu with selection for filter and making columns viewable, is something that makes this table solution unique.

For the solution, putting the column Definition into the state object is an Option.
Last Updated: 18 Jun 2023 11:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Henk
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Native REACT spreadsheet component
Last Updated: 04 May 2020 13:58 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 15
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
As in the JQuery version, it would be good to have the option of showing the total of a column's values without having to use grouping aggregates. 

For example i have 10 products with their prices and i would like to see their total cost in a row below the column, without having to use grouping which adds more elements to the Grid.
Last Updated: 03 Jun 2021 13:13 by ADMIN
Created by: John
Comments: 10
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Implement Gantt as a React Component so that a Wrapper is not required. This is not currently listed in your Roadmap as a specific short or long-term goal.
Last Updated: 15 Oct 2018 07:26 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Have a grid filter menu like the jquery and angular packages.

The grid filter menu is much more compact and wastes less space than the filter row. 
Last Updated: 09 Oct 2023 04:59 by ADMIN
Release [R3 2023] PI 3
Created by: Leeden
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Hi Support, 


Is there any org chat component or similar components in Kendo React that is similar to the Org Chart in this link


Thanks & Regards,


Last Updated: 24 Feb 2023 12:16 by ADMIN
Created by: João Paulo
Comments: 5
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
As the project grew, my team needed to use more tabs, necessarily with the tapPosition property as "top". Many tabs mean that some do not appear in specific widths , mainly in a small width. That said, there is a need to create a shape that preserves the structure of the tabs with scroll, already done with telerik for jquery:
Last Updated: 16 May 2018 20:43 by ADMIN
Created by: Naveen
Comments: 2
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Need to add Export Excel/PDF using react component is good
Last Updated: 21 Jan 2019 02:46 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Last Updated: 26 Apr 2023 05:50 by ADMIN
Created by: Chaz
Comments: 9
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

I've noticed in your other products, the dropdownlists have a property that allows for grouping sets of data. 

What would it take to get that included in Kendo UI React?

We have a use case that this would be very helpful.


Last Updated: 09 Apr 2018 16:24 by ADMIN
Created by: ben
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
I'm looking to conditionally set the background color of a row, much like this example for jQuery:
Last Updated: 28 Aug 2018 10:20 by ADMIN
Currently there is no way to pass custom rendering component into header template (in jQuery version there was headerTemplate). For example, you are exposing headerSelection prop, but what if I want to render fancy Material UI checkbox there. Currently I do not have ability to do that with native react flow.
Last Updated: 13 Sep 2019 07:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
In Panelbar , when we set expandmode set to 'single' it do not toggle the item . it only works with expandmode 'multiple'. 

We should also allow to toggle a panelbar item in 'single' mode 
a use case could be -i want to close all of the items in single mode
Last Updated: 21 May 2018 13:53 by ADMIN
Please add a possibility to customize Kendo UI Grid for React pager text like "Page ... of ...." or "... of items" or to pass own strings.
Last Updated: 30 Jul 2023 05:22 by ADMIN

I know there you gave me an example of how to do this with custom code - is there a reason this can't be built in?   It's important and is a pain to custom implement when using custom editors for the cells




Last Updated: 21 May 2018 13:51 by ADMIN
Please, add a possibility to integrate inline edit in Kendo UI Grid for React (@progress/kendo-react-grid, 0.3.0) with ReduxForm ( and/or FinalForm ( which will make easier work on validating data and more uniform code style for form validation (as packages mentioned above are the de facto standard in working with forms in React-Redux applications).
Last Updated: 28 Jul 2023 12:09 by ADMIN

Currently, the Scheduler events are always placed between the beginning and the end of a slot, no matter if the event actually starts or ends at the slot times. So if an event for example starts at 10:10, the event is placed at the 10:00 slot line and not a little further down below, or if it ends at 11:50 the event end is placed at the 12:00 slot line. I'm talking here especially about the WeekView and the DayView.

This is not accurate enough for some events. Like for example in MS Outlook, if a event doesn't start at the full hour, the graphical representation shows it according to the start time and not at the full hour (see screenshots). We would like to request to make it possible to place events on the Scheduler so that the graphical representation of the event reflects the actual start and and time.

While I was able to calculate a margin for the event start to move it to a more accurate position, it was not possible to also set the height of the event to a calculated positition because the Scheduler doesn't allow this. According your support (see here), an event always has to end at a full slot time and can't be placed somewhere else. Calculating these things on our own brings a whole lot of other problems though (like placing overlapping events correctly, etc.) so that it would be great if the Scheduler had a setting to allow exact positioning according to times.


Last Updated: 27 May 2021 16:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Marco Antonio
Comments: 13
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Add floating labels on the DatePicker and DateTimePicker.
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