I don't know how to implement rowspan
Please add toolbar support in the react conversationalui, just like it exists in the jQuery chat component.
We need in our projects a way to add custom action buttons, besides the simple "send" message.
Ie. attach files/images to a message, open emoji picker, etc.
AutoComplete component name attribute is not set.
GitHub item: https://github.com/telerik/kendo-react/issues/221
Workaround: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-dawzkj?file=app/main.js
The Switch layout is misaligned on IE 11.
This is reproducible in our demos as well.
GitHub issue: https://github.com/telerik/kendo-react/issues/220
Add support for styled components.
This will allow lazy loading for the styles depending on the used features of a component to reduce the styles sheet size.
I would like to request the data-query package support filtering on OData collections using lamdba functions. Given a Collection with the existing operators, the filter string outputted by `toODataString` should be OData v4 compliant.
Example: Project is a collection. A user filters to see all General projects which outputs { field: 'Project', operator: 'eq', value: 'General' }.
Recommendation: Supply another key that dictates the lamdba operator and property field to use.
{ field: 'Project', operator: 'eq', value: 'General', lambda: 'any', collectionField: 'Name' } -> $filter=Project/any(x:x/Name eq 'General')
The above can work with inner functions like contains.
{ { field: 'Project', operator: 'contains', value: 'gen', ignoreCase: true, lambda: 'any', collectionField: 'Name' } -> $filter=Project/any(x:contains(tolower(x/Name),'gen'))
Currently, ComboBox generates a UUID and uses it as the input tag's id property (e.g. <input id="2e048165-6468-46c0-ba39-c47b12c7fcf2" />).
As a developer, I want to be able to set my own custom id so that I can set my own label tag as a sibling to the ComboBox component.
For example, I would like this to be possible:
<label for="hello">Hello World</label>
<ComboBox id="hello" />
There is a label prop offered on ComboBox which works fine but it does not let me specify the label tag with custom class names, styling, etc.
This new id prop should be optional and ComboBox can keep using the same technique it does when no id prop is passed to it.
Hi, is there a way i can customize the paging options style? The default is we have the page selection on the left, number of Items per page selection in the middle and the total records info on the right. I would like to just reverse it. I tried a display flex on the container and a flex-direction: reverse but it reverses the paging icons also. Please advise.
A custom render method for the paging component or a wrapper around the paging buttons would be ideal so as to do a flex-reverse to play around with the styles.
Typing 111 in DatePicker results in skipping the day part. The third 1 is set to the year portion.
It is reproduced in our demo as well:
<Column field="Date"filter="date"format="{0:d}"/>
In this way,the date will be sorting with Month, How can I sorting start with year instead of month
The KendoReact Tooltip component only displays tooltips on hover (the showTooltip method is called on the onMouseOver and onMouseLeave events). It would be ideal if the showTooltip method was also called on the onFocus event as well, making the user experience the same for keyboard-only users.
Most other UI libraries treat hover/focus the same for consistency and accessibility.
Bootstrap requires it:
Material UI allows you to disable focus interaction, but the default is that focus is handled the same as hover: