The markerClick event of the Map component returns undefined for the e.marker instance.
Regression introduced with 2023.2.606
The marker instance is undefined.
The marker instance should not be undefined.
Using the imagerySet method doesn't change the Map layer.
Regression introduced with R1 2023
The imagery set isn't changed to aerialWithLabels
The imagery set should be changed to aerialWithLabels
I noticed that we are getting duplicate shapeCreated events in our map widget. We are considering adding additional components based on shape centered coordinates, and having duplicate events has stopped that approach.
How to reproduce: use the official KendoUI example straight from the docs:
open in Dojo and run, you will see 2 console logs for the same (and only) shape.
Bug seems to be present in all Kendo versions.
If pan initiated from shape, shapeClick is triggered. click - is not.shapeClick should not be triggered, too.
When a user clicks on the map outside of a shape (i.e. in an ocean) and drags to pan around the map, the click event does not get fired fired after panEnd.
When a user clicks on a shape (i.e. a Montana) and then drags to pan around the map, the shapeClick event fires after panEnd.
This issue is reproducible on the events demo page:
The events reported when clicking and dragging on a shape, (bottom being first event):
Shape mouseEnter :: Montana