Last Updated: 25 Jun 2024 04:42 by ADMIN
Created by: Doran
Comments: 0
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request
Please add support for Prefix / Suffix Adornments for DropDownList
Last Updated: 29 Feb 2024 14:16 by PT

Bug report

`DropDownListSelectEvent.dataItem` is undefined when using keyboard to select the optionLabel, but is defined when using the mouse

Reproduction of the problem


Dojo: https://dojo.telerik.com/IvEXOvUH

Make a selection (e.g. "Apples").
Select the optionLabel item.


The value of DropDownListSelectEvent.dataItem is the same whether the selection is made via keyboard or mouse (assumedly).
The value of DropDownListSelectEvent.dataItem is clearly specified in the API docs when selecting the optionLabel.

The value of DropDownListSelectEvent.dataItem is "Select an option…" when selecting with the mouse.
The value of DropDownListSelectEvent.dataItem is undefined when selecting with the keyboard.

Kendo UI version: 2024.1.130
Browser: [all]

Last Updated: 01 Jun 2023 16:03 by ashutosh
Created by: ashutosh
Comments: 0
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team, 

I would like to request to add a class which associates with the Kendo DropDownList.  This way, the developer could use CSS instead of jQuery to change the style of the specific popup.  

Thank you!

Last Updated: 01 Nov 2022 15:07 by ADMIN
Release R1.2023-Increment.1(09.Nov.2022)

It will be very nice if the AutoComplete, DropDownList, ComboBox, and MultiSelect components have the floating label functionality like the TextBox widget 


Last Updated: 09 Jun 2022 12:13 by ADMIN

As my grid edit forms have expanded past the default popup, I have been using editable template. These are bound with MVVM and work well. But not all options work via MVVM like the cascade options below. I would like to use the cascade options in this scenario. It would be great to have all configuration options available via MVVM.

            <select id="ParentID" name="ParentID"
                    style="width: 100%"
                    data-option-label="Pick PE..."
Last Updated: 06 Apr 2022 20:24 by Miguel
Created by: Miguel
Comments: 0
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I'd like to request the functionality to add a Clear Button  for the Kendo UI DropDownList similar to the ComboBox.  

Thank you!

Last Updated: 03 Sep 2021 06:12 by ADMIN
Release 2021.R3
Created by: Dave
Comments: 0
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request
A kendoDropDownList places an arrow to the right of the <select/> element, indicating it's a dropdown (.k-i-arrow-s). It would be cool if kendoMultISelect did the same thing. 
Clicking the <select/> element or the arrow should also toggle the visibility on the list items.

See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31825788/kendo-multiselect-to-have-arrow-icon-and-behavior-to-close-on-click .
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2021 12:08 by ADMIN
Created by: IT
Comments: 14
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request
Check out this idea. It may help solve this issue and help with UI presentation.

Admin edit: A Knowledge Base article that shows how you can achieve this: https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/knowledge-base/disable-multiselect-items

Last Updated: 26 Jan 2021 17:05 by John
Created by: John
Comments: 1
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request
Add a filterOptions option that will enable users to configure attributes, placeholder, etc for the search box of the DropDownList. 
Last Updated: 12 Aug 2020 12:46 by ADMIN

When there is no filter enabled in the DropDownList it is possible to select an item just by typing, without opening the DropDownList popup.


It would be useful if such an option is available when the filter of the widget is configured. 

Last Updated: 20 Dec 2019 09:20 by ADMIN
Created by: IT-Consol
Comments: 2
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request
the multiselect control should have the possibility to define elements as not editable (readonly) so that those elements can not be removed while other elements can be removed or new elements can be added.
Last Updated: 20 Dec 2019 09:14 by ADMIN
When the user enters a filter, the list is filtered. But if the user deletes the filter by clicking on the X in the filter box, the list remains filtered. It does not revert to the full, unfiltered list. 

To get back to the full list, the user must delete the filter by backspacing or pressing the delete key on the keyboard.

This behavior is confusing some users, who have used the mouse to delete the filter in IE11.  There's no longer a filter string there, but the list is still filtered.

Can  the dropdownlist listen for the click that clears the filter string from the textbox?
Last Updated: 20 Dec 2019 09:05 by ADMIN
Populate selected items when using browser back buttons for both Html and MVC Wrapper versions
Last Updated: 20 Dec 2019 08:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request
I'd like to be able to style the matching text from autocomplete, so I'd like the option for kendo to perhaps wrap the text in a span or something I can get a handle on...

So if I typed "Back" it'll give me results like this
<li><span class='t-match'>Back</span> to the future</li>
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2019 10:09 by ADMIN
On MultiSelect have an option when they type in a complete name and then blur out to save that name.

It works if they hit enter or tab. But if they don't (like if they immediately press the Submit button), then it looks it took their entry but it really did not.
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2019 10:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Jeff
Comments: 2
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request
Create the ability to customize tag templates on the combobox and autocomplete widgets just like the tag template functionality on the multiselect widget
Last Updated: 17 Dec 2019 17:30 by ADMIN
Make up/down arrow keydown events fire a DropDownList change event when in the expanded state.

When a user clicks on the DropDownList, the list gets expanded. There is no change event fired for up/down arrow keydown events. I currently have to intercept the up/down keydown events manually. Having up/down arrow keydown events fire a change event would make the widget more intuitive and helpful for user interactions.
Last Updated: 17 Dec 2019 17:19 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request
Best practice dictates that dropdowns open on mousedown, such that that user can press, move to the desired item, and release all in one movement. You'll of course find this behaviour across many apps and OS's, including MS Office, Windows and OSX. Sadly, Kendo UI dropdowns open on mouseup/click, rather than mousedown, which means the user has to do two clicks to get to what they want. For heavy-usage applications, this is a big pain for users, and definitely affects usability.
Last Updated: 17 Dec 2019 17:09 by ADMIN
Created by: WingMan2010
Comments: 7
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request
to have Accent Folding support for kendo combo box. We are using generic html/Jquery to do this now. Is there a work around or and any suggestions.
Last Updated: 17 Dec 2019 17:03 by ADMIN
Users wonder why the filter has not been removed from the dropdownlist when they use a browser's text INPUT[X] to delete the filter. The browser raises no event is raised when the X is clicked, and so the list does not revert to the unfiltered list. Users must hit the Delete keys on the keyboard. Although developers can use CSS to remove the browser's [X], it would be more convenient if kendo could do this by default for the dropdownlists's filter box, so that developers would not have to remember to add the CSS every time.
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