typedText: function () {
var that = this,
caret = kendo.caret(that.input),
text = that.text();
return caret ? text.substring(0, caret[0]) : text;
Hi Team,
I would like to request to include in the built-in API the functionality to hide the FixedGroupHeaderTemplate. I like the appearance of the UI for ASP.NET AJAX RadComboBox when it is grouping, and it would be nice if the Kendo UI ComboBox could be configured to have the same look without manipulating CSS and adding extra code to the DataBound event.
Thank you!
While floating label is available on textbox and maskedtextbox, no feature is available on the combobox, unless you are using Kendo for Angular or Vue. Can we get one for jQuery?
Currently, the "suggest" option of the ComboBox is designed to work only in a combination with 'filter:"startswith"'. If you open this Dojo and enter "T' in the ComboBox, then focus the ComboBox out then the "Two" ComboBox item will be selected.
If in the above demo, we change the filter configuration to "contains", when we enter "T" and focus the ComboBox out, the behavior will be the same, and "Two" will be selected. If we instead of "T" enter "w" and focus the ComboBox out then "two" won't be selected. To make the "Two" item selected, with "filter:'contains'" configuration, we can use the below workaround.
No matter the below workaround, it will be very useful if the below logic or similar one can be built-in in the ComboBox component.
<input id="combobox" />
var fruit = [
{code: 1, name: "One" },
{code: 2, name: "Two"},
{code: 3, name: "Three"}
var ds = new kendo.data.DataSource({
data: fruit
dataTextField: "name",
dataValueField: "code",
suggest: true,
filter: "contains",
dataSource: ds,
change: function(e) {
var comboBox = $("#combobox").data("kendoComboBox");
var dataItem = comboBox.dataItem();
if (dataItem === undefined) {
//special code for mobile browsers to auto select the first entry
if (comboBox.text() != "") {
ds.filter({ field: "name", operator:"contains", value: comboBox.text() });
if (ds.view().length > 0) {
comboBox.select(function(dataItem) {
return dataItem.name === ds.view()[0].name;
<input id="fred">
A combobox that uses a grouped datasource does not adhere to WCAG 1.3.1. When a user navigates the options in the combobox popup, the group relationship is established for sighted users but the group is not announced to disabled users.