ColorPicker must have an option to revert to "Default color" (set color to null)
The color picker right now support only to display the HEX format or RGBA format. The color picker should also support RGB.
Our customer is used to using the RGB format and wants to use that format. The reason we do not want RGBA is that the color picker could use opacity and the selected color will be used in a report so opacity has to be always 1.
We tried to prevent the use of a different opacity but could not find a solution.
I was working with Kendo ColorPicker and ColorPalette and I created a widget for serenity. Everything works perfect, except at the constructor time, I do not know the color. This is how is working now... // [KendoColorPickerEditor(Columns=2, Palette = "['#000', '#333', '#666', '#999', '#ccc', '#fff']",Buttons =true,Preview =true)] //Palette : "basic" | "websafe" | "['#000', '#333', '#666'] or leave blank" [KendoColorPickerEditor( Buttons = true, Preview = true)] public String Color { get { return Fields.Color[this]; } set { Fields.Color[this] = value; } } A refresh method is needed to reload the properties changed after the "Color" property