Currently there seems to be no way to open the options of dropdown commands like "Font Family" or "Font Size".
The typical hotkeys of the according Kendo UI widgets (ALT + Arrow down) are not working and we have not found any other.
This can be reproduced in its online demo:*1jjk3dq*_gcl_au*NjE0NTE0MTQ0LjE3MjYwNTc4MjU.*_ga*MTk3MTcyODQ3My4xNjkwMjkyNTYw*_ga_9JSNBCSF54*MTcyOTY3MzExMS44My4xLjE3Mjk2NzQwMzAuMzEuMC4w
Correcting a misspelled word with some fontsize decoration results in Chrome changing the DOM element to font tag and style to face attribute.
This leads to the font tool not recognizing the font size and shows inaccurate value.
Dom is changed to font tag with size attribute. And the font tool not showing the correct font size.
Either the Editor to retain or bring back the proper tag and style. Or update the font size to recognize the font size from font tag and size attribute
The fontSize tool gets focus after text selection.
* Open and run demo.
* Select /highlight Line4, choose 16 in the fontSize dropdown.
* Put the cursor at the end of Line6, select Line4, Line5 and Line6 using the mouse. Note that the keyboard focus has shifted to the fontSize dropdown.
When I resize the window I get so now and then the above issue. Please add a check whether "window" is undefined or not. It is at line number 70738 in de kendo.all.js of version 2018.2.620
There are a number of controls missing from the new editor that was not in the old telerik editor. including Add spell check, cut, copy and paste {several options}, undo, redo, new paragraph, horizontal rules, insert time, insert symbol. Anyway to bring those functionalities into core?
The current Grid / Editor combo don't work together, making it nearly impossible to use the Editor inside a Grid. It may be possible, but that requires [AllowHtml] atribute on the model, which is a security concern. More details:
Would be nice for the Editor content to be centered so it appears professional in Corporate announcements
It would be extremely nice if the "Insert Video" was added to the Editor. I know there are "hacks" and workarounds that make this possible, but it just doesn't have the right feeling to it. The editor in WordPress gives plenty more options to insert a video, and it's easier to use than the hacks/workarounds.
The colour picker palette should be capable of accepting name value pairs. This way, the colours can be named or given a hint which shows as a tooltip to help users choose which colour to use. Very helpful when we allow users to create a list of colours which could be subtly different and only a hint would easily differentiate them.
We'd like to give users the ability to insert hyperlinks in the editor. We have the restriction that instead of the default Kendo insert link dialog, we need to show a custom dialog. We effectively limit what the user is allowed to link to (a set of internal documents). There's no easy way to achieve this functionality with the current API. We had to extend the create link tool ourselves to support this. Thanks.
Currently you can only set the width as a pixel value. I have users who would like to set the width as a percentage value.
Add an enable() method to Editor to enable/disable the editor widget. The following link mentions how to disable the contenteditable, but this does not disable the toolbar: Something like: function(enable) { $(this.body).attr("contenteditable", enable); if (enable) { this.toolbar.element.closest(".k-editor-toolbar-wrap").find(".k-disabled-overlay").remove(); } else { this.toolbar.element.closest(".k-editor-toolbar-wrap").append("<div class='k-disabled-overlay'></div>"); } }
it would be very nice if it can keep the original format including the color, size, indent, bullet and even image.
HTML5 now supports ruby annotations with the <ruby> tag set. The Kendo editor should be updated to allow entering and rendering ruby as well as a feature to support vertical text with ruby as some languages should be displayed.
Lots of forums use bbcode and adding support for this to the Editor would be great.
In the editor, the image manager search should search the current folder and any folders underneath it and return all matching images. Currently it only searches the current directory.
Such that it looks like: a) jdkfjdk fdkfj dkjf dfkjdf kjf b) djfkdjfk df dkf dkfjdkfjdkf dkfjd c) kdj fkdjfk djfkjd fkj fkfj Word does this and it is useful. Uppercase and Lowercase options would be useful too.
If you provide any editor control which render both OpnXml data as well as Html data, that will more helpfull for us. OR any convert method in kendo UI editor which convert OpenXml to Html and vise versa.