When the destroy operation fails for some reason (exception or ModelState error) the item on the client will be removed. Don't remove the item from the grid if operation fails in the backend.
and a grids toolbar with the commands and template at the same time throw a search input text that filters the grid.
Won't hurt to have one, to have a KendoUI version would be pretty in the eyes.
Addition of the Rich Editor similar to what is found in ASP MVC controls in Telerik
It would be a very cool thing to have a small WYSIWYG-Editor for mobile devices. As far as I know, there isn't kind of this on the market at all. So Kendo UI Mobile could be at pioneer-state
Hi, some of date and time patterns defined for cs and cs-CZ cultures are wrong. The correct patterns are: d: "d. M. yyyy", g: "d. M. yyyy H:mm", G: "d. M. yyyy H:mm:ss" (dots are followed by spaces)
Web devs have a million different frameworks out there. Talk about how this differs (or is a companion) from using jQuery UI (looks like it competes), Knockout, extJS, etc...
Sure the IE Mobile browser is not fantastic (even the Mango version feels like it has issues), but will you be supporting the WP platform? That would round out all the worth while mobile devices in my opinion.
When Adding a schedule item,a popup is opening but when opening popup i want to restrict popup based on css class name of clicked scheduled item how to get css class name of clicked scheduled item Sourcecode: @(Html.Kendo().Scheduler<FMCO.DataTransferObjects.Configuration.AppointmentModel>() .Name("scheduler") .Date(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day)) .StartTime(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 08, 00, 00)) .EndTime(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 17, 00, 00)) .Editable(editable => editable.TemplateName("CustomEditorTemplate")) .EventTemplate("") .Events(e => e.Add("onAdd")) ) <script> function onAdd(e) { // i want here css class name of click item } </script> Please help me Thanks in advance
Currently when a new row is added to the grid, it will be inserted according to its initial values and the grid's sort order, but this means it may or may not be visible on the page the user is looking at. In this case the user gets no indication that a new row has been added and will have to page through the grid to find the new row.
We have defined a work start and end time for the scheduler. However if the user shows full day in the scheduler we want to make sure the scheduler is scrolled to the start time (when the scheduler is either init or when the user clicks on the show all day button). So basically if there is an API exposed to make the scheduler scroll to a given time then this will work. Please also refer to ticket#: 845019
It would be very helpful it there is an option to hide spin controls on numeric controls. Spin control are not really useful in all cases. Also setting readonly property for the control has no effect on the spin control you can still update the value by clicking the spinner. Currently in the forum a workaround was suggested using css (http://jsfiddle.net/krustev/uZUjK/). Implement this as a property for the numeric control
The mobile tabstrip is not scrollable and the stacking that takes place when the viewpoort is too narrow to contain all the tabs is unsightly and grabs precious screen real estate
Kendo grid angular is having option to rebind which works fine perfectly but the aggreates on the column footer are not updated when the k-options for the grid are changed. the sum is displayed as undefined next time when the value for the grid option is changed .
Let's say I'm using an autocomplete to choose a country: I know I can format the list with a template, but at the moment I can't have the inner value of the widget to be the ISO code and the input text value to be the description + ISO country code. For example, the user types "ita" in the input box, the list shows an element with "[flag] Italy". When the user clicks on that row, the input box changes to "Italy - IT", and the Autocomplete istance would return "IT".
After a bit of poking, I found that KendoUI has an internal dependency to jQuery. Hidden external dependencies to external framework, especially once with known compatibility issue between revisions, should be removed. This is even more vital when more than one of your competitors have web controls with no external dependencies.
Select All Check box required in a grid and we can select a specific records by using the checkbox, and will go for export to excel or export to pdf.
http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/kendo Optional namespace too look in when instantiating Kendo UI widgets. should be: Optional namespace to look in when instantiating Kendo UI widgets. Also, maybe you could give one example for each of the following: element String |jQuery |Element I think the code example is using "jQuery" '$("#view")'. It would be nice to know what a "string" and "Element" version would look like. Since I'm new I would be guessing how to put a "string" or "Element" version into the bind method.