You have datepicker. You have timepicker. Why not datetimepicker? A single input box that selects both a date and a time. Should be fairly straightforward, it just needs to display both ui widgets simultaneously and handle the different parsing in and output logic.
Would be nice with some sort of table support in the rich text editor. Normally we need a very stripped down RTE since it only represents a part of a page (a block), so the bells and whistles of tinymce are a bit overkill. However it seems that even though it might be difficult to use in an RTE due to complex UI, we often get questions regarding how to insert a table into a text. Not a complex table, but just a simple table with maybe a class, some th and td's. It would be really nice if we could stop integrating tinymce and just stick to one library, with a little more beefier RTE in Kendo UI. :)
I find myself having to define fields and columns multiple times for use in grids and data sources. It would be nice to be able to use a single structure that would work for both. The visible setting would control if the field is displayed in the grid or not. For example: _myColumns = [ { field: "Position.Name", title: "Position", width: 20, type: "string", editable: true, visible: false }, { field: "Headcount.value", title: "Headcount", width: 15, type: "string", editable: true }, { field: "FTE.value", title: "FTE", width: 15, type: "string", editable: true }, { field: "EmployeeName.value", title: "EmployeeName", width: 50, type: "string", editable: true }, { field: "JobCode.value", title: "JobCode", width: 20, type: "string", editable: true }, { field: "JobTitle.value", title: "JobTitle", width: 100, type: "string", editable: true } ] then, this can be used in $().kendoGrid( { columns: mycolumns } ) and the data source $() { fields: mycolumns } ).
It would be nice if there was an additional dropdown in the Editor that was populated with CSS classes in my .css file. It would allow users of the application to style articles and other text consistently by simply selecting predefined styles for that layout. (Hopefully this isn't a duplicate)
...similar to a detail template, I'd like to be able to nest a Kendo grid of child records in single cell of a parent row.
Try looking at There's both a method and an event named "select", picking the "select" event navigates to the "select" method instead. Consider prefixing the #select anchor, e.g. #method-select and #event-select to avoid conflict.
When displaying a large list (hundreds of items) in a list-view it takes a long time with many flicks to get to the bottom. I've been testing on a Galaxy Nexus, and in my gmail I can get to the bottom of my list of emails (hundreds) in just a couple of flicks. It seems the kinetic scrolling in kendo ui mobile doesn't scale well with longer lists, it scrolls the same number of items no matter the size of the list. Whereas the native behaviour seems to keep scrolling for longer and faster, scaling with the size of the list.
Editing raw HTML is sometimes very useful
would be nice to be able to manipulate the grid itself before to data is loaded (wich eventually takes some time). some manipulations on the grid seems to be irritating, if they are not happend till the full datasource is loaded
Now, we create a confirm window by these code: $(".exitBtn").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var exitWindow = $("<div class='p20 tac' />").kendoWindow({ title: "exit...", resizable: false, modal: true });"kendoWindow").content($("#exit").html()).center().open(); exitWindow.find(".confirm,.cancel").click(function() { if ($(this).hasClass("confirm")) { alert("blabla..."); }"kendoWindow").close(); }).end() }); <script id="exit" type="text/x-kendo-template"> <p>blabla...</p> </script> It's so complicate!!!!!!!!!! I want to coding in this way: $(".exitBtn").click(function(){ $("<div class='p20 tac' />").kendoWindow({ title: "exit...", content: "<p>blabla...</p>", resizable: false, modal: true, center: true, okVal: "Exit", cancelVal: "I don't", ok: function(){ alert(Exiting...); }, cancel: function(){ exitWindow.close(); } }); });
Add a css class to the treeview to style an item (change complete background, indent, font-style etc). Currently only a spriteCssClass is available, but is not applicable for the total line. Must be available like the spriteCssClass, so available in datasource.
Buttons and toolbars (with icons and kendo themes) are much easier to use with Touch devices than the Menu widget
Or will I still need to use CkEditor?
If you gave the Source View "HTML Syntax Highlighting" by default, you would have a winner. Most other editors lack this.
This causes Kendo grid's javascript dataItem method to fail since it is trying to access a blank array. The wrapper is useless to me without this.
I clicked Get Kendo UI button; it took 30 seconds to load a popup that asks for user/password and kept on saying "reading from" not sure why you're hitting that for.... well, then I chose the Register tab, it does nothing. I am using Latest Google Chrome. If your own UI is not working properly, how can you expect people to count on you for their UIs ?
It could be really nice if kendoui played well with twitter bootstrap, and widgets could be set through options to use the twitter bootstrap class names for buttons (.btn) etc. by a simple switch.
It would be very beneficial to have the ability to set our own labels on our chart types. This way instead of having labels set a set amount for example 10s, for 1 to 100, labels could be set at just the intervals that make sense for our chart. Like 1,15,63,100. Since ranges can already be set at a variable amount it would be helpful to label those at the point they change.