Hi, In kendo Line chart, currently the plot area can be colored using plotBands. In line with that is the requirement to color different ranges with different colors in the y-Axis line alone. The line size can be made to 3 or 5 px to shown the color clearly. This will help the user 1. to understand the criticality of the different ranges. 2. Mostly line charts will be shown shown in reports, and will be given as printouts to the patients (in case of hospitals), a report will have multiple line charts components, providing this feature will help the customers to reduce the cost on printer color catridges (that will be used when printing the whole plotbands for different ranges). Thanks.
The grid and chart can be used in mobile apps and seem to work properly. (See http://kendoui-feedback.telerik.com/forums/127393-telerik-kendo-ui-feedback/suggestions/4522456-touch-grid-for-tablets-that-has-as-many-features-a for the suggestion that they do work). However, they don't adapt to the mobile appearance like the dedicated mobile widgets, which makes them hard to use in cross-platform mobile applications.
If there has two or more gantt chart on the screen. some of the value should be able to move by dragging from one to another rather than defining again.
While I think it is great you guys are doing support for Visual Studio where is the support for DreamWeaver? Is there anyone working on this? There is a jQuery Mobile set of tags in the "Insert" section of the IDE. It would be great if we had a set of tools for Kendo UI Web, Charting and Mobile.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to filter a field as a property of a series? You could populate stacked and grouped column charts with a single datasource, without having to parse through it manually with js.
Please add Z index configuration options for all charts and their elements. This would greatly improve your product offering, making difficult workarounds less necessary.
Allow the navigator in the chart (http://trykendoui.telerik.com/iKux) to be configured so it can be positioned to move vertically as well as horizontally, this is useful when selecting ranges on the Y-Axis.
It would be nice if you could left align the yAxis labels in a bar chart. Currently, these are right aligned be default.
Hi, Kendo DataViz is getting awesome, but I always feel that some (albeit) common operations are made very complicated. I know there is some compatibility that must be assured but I some point the usage would be much better. Here are some common operations that are currently quite unintuitive: * Reverse the order of an axis: reversing the order of an axis (so that values are on the right of the chart instead of the left), must currently be done by setting a very high "axisCrossingValue" (wtf?), as shown here: http://jsbin.com/iyiqec/1/edit?html,css,js,output This definitely sounds like a hack and the wrong solution to the problem. A simple labelAlignment (left / right) would be far more intuitive. * Being able to draw all points but still use baseUnitStep to "auto": let's say I have a chart with a lot of points. This means you need to use baseUnitStep to "auto". However, a bad consequence is that it now renders only the point for each step computed after baseUnitStep. This is often not the expected behaviour and, while drawing less labels, I often still want to display all the points (or more points). Currently, the super complicated way is to use the obscure "categoryAxes" property, make sure that one axis is hidden (but will be assigned the point), and other one is set to baseUnitStep auto, as shown here: http://dojo.telerik.com/@germanov/ULUGi Maybe a simpler "valuesStep" option that would allow to override the step for values, independently of the category axis, could be introduced. Thanks!
Kendo UI has accessibility built into it. I do not know why you do not have it for Kendo UI Mobile. Accessibility is still needed on mobile apps. I know Android does not handle it will, but iPhones do using VoiceOver.
I confess that I got surprised after checking Component One "Studio for ASP.NET Wijmo"! They already have super fast controls based on jQuery UI with support for ThemeRoller, and supporting client and server side operations. Why did you decide to go for the client side approach?! Also, the controls work really fast and have nice widgets like differente types of galleries. I hope Telerik decides to go this way with Kendo UI.
When integrating the Kendo UI Editor with other components, it would be nice if there was more visibility and control on the state and actions of the Kendo Editor. For instance, bind 2 new callbacks/events: - onClose: function(event) {} - onOpen: function(event) {} Methods to control the Editor externally: - editor.close() - editor.open() Methods to inquire on the Editor's state: - editor.isOpen()
It would be stupid awesome to have a custom theme allow for selection the new project wizard! That's consistency promotion!
I need to display multiple charts on one page. These charts are all based on the same timeserie. To help with data analysis, I need to align every chart and the easiest way to achive that would be to be able to specify a width for the plot area. Would you consider adding this feature ?
I know there are a number of requests for this, and I'm in agreement with all of them. I wanted to post a couple of specific examples in order to make it clear what would save me (a developer using Kendo for production code) time in implementing widgets within our application. 1. Provide information about all aspects of any given topic. For example, I recently tried to understand how sorting works for Grid. (see http://www.telerik.com/forums/where-is-the-documentation-on-performing-case-insensitive-sorting-for-grid). It seems like it would take a pretty minimal effort to include information in the docs for grid column-header sorting (http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/grid#configuration-sortable) that describe how to turn off case-insensitive sorting, as well as explain that the grid option does not sort data on initial load (for that you need to sort on the dataSource). It required a fair amount of searching, and a couple of days to come to this understanding, which could have completely been avoided by adding a paragraph or two to the docs examples I just mentioned. For any configuration option, or feature documentation, make it complete and describe it entirely. 2. Utilize hyper-linking more effectively within the docs. A while back, I wanted to understand how to fully utilize the numericTextBox widget, and the docs mentioned 'format' for numerics. Unfortunately, I don't know what 'format' means in the context of Kendo widgets. Eventually, I found this forum post: http://www.telerik.com/forums/where-is-documentation-on-format As I pointed out in my comment in that post, there's simply no reason to require your users to search for what 'format' means, when with minimal effort on your part, a link can be added and I can simply click to that documentation and get the answer I need. There's a ton of individual examples that fall into one of those two categories, and if those were fixed, about 60% of the documentation issues I encounter would be resolved. I appreciate the chance to express this, and thanks for your consideration.
Please support the ImageBrowser as a standalone control.
I would like to have a chart like circular progress chart that use in lots of infographic diagram like the one below. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11202920/circular-radial-progress-bar I managed to make it work by doing some manipulation to the donut chart like the one below that look similar to it but I believe the Kendo team can come up a better one and more reusable. http://eswkchartdemo.azurewebsites.net/Dataviz/RealtimeDonutChart
Add the AJAX FileExplorer to the MVC Controls Toolset with additonal built-in features I would like to see: 1. Support for UNC paths so that the root folder may be located in a network share as opposed to a folder under the application folder. 2. Support for sub-pathing so that it can be dynamically programmed to support direct display of target folder without having to navigate to the target folder 3. Built-in Delete function to complement the built-in Upload function 4. Optionally select display of a checkbox column to allow for multiple selection for items to be Deleted or Downloaded 5. Built-in Progress Bar for Upload and Download functions 6. Optionally select automatic filtering of hidden files and directories from the display
Currently min and max on DateTimePicker does not restrict time ranges. It only restricts min datetime and max datetime. Not time range within each date. We need possibilty to set min time and max time to select like time picker has.