Last Updated: 02 Dec 2021 11:56 by ADMIN
Created by: WT
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
I have a scenario where the form has enough elements to have performance issue with the validator, so I would like to be able to pass a selector to validateInput() that targets multiple inputs. 

Example: validator.validateInput($("input[name^=itemLine]")
Last Updated: 02 Dec 2021 11:54 by ADMIN
Created by: mkosieradzki
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Add possibility to create cell editors with button opening popup or window containing for example Rich text editor, textarea or any other advanced editor. Currently it is impossible due to some limitations in grid incell editing design.
Last Updated: 02 Dec 2021 11:52 by ADMIN
Created by: yaron
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
applying the right-to-left rendering to the exported Excel sheet 
set excel page layout as rtl
Last Updated: 02 Dec 2021 11:49 by ADMIN
Created by: Valdemar
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
There is very convenient tool to generate Java applications which use Spring Boot, Angular JS and Bootstrap:

My idea is to add support for Kendo widgets in jHipster. 

This could be realized as partial support for few widgets (especially Grid) to existing project (low budget option) or as jHipster clone for Kendo UI only (with technology stack Spring Boot, Kendo UI (MVVM) and Bootstrap (big budget option). 
Under Review
Last Updated: 02 Dec 2021 11:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Andreas
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Hello Kendo-Product-Team,

there is this create library called xeditable which basically makes it easy to add edit functionality to a details-view. Have a look here:

I think this would be a super addition to the kendo framework. In a typical business application you have a grid with the list of all products and when you click on one product you have a nice details page. Currently if you want to edit the product the user needs to go to a special edit form. With xeditable it is possible to add the editing capability directly into the details page. It's nice and easy for the user (less clicks) and it is easier for the develope (no extra edit form to build).

I also think that it would be easy to do such a thing for you as you already have the controls and the framework.

Last Updated: 02 Dec 2021 09:41 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 5
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
It would be great if there was a wrapper library for Ember.js similar to the kendo-labs libraries for Angular and Knockout.
Last Updated: 30 Nov 2021 10:41 by ADMIN


I've noticed that any attempt at calling `` on a datasource attached to a Kendo Menu results in keyboard accessibility breaking.


Steps to reproduce:

1. Use this code as a starter:

2. Notice that tabbing to the menu works the first time 

3. Activate the menu and close it.

4. Now try to tab into the menu again. It does no longer work.


Are there any better methods to have Kendo Menu dynamically generate the list everytime an open event is triggered?

Last Updated: 29 Nov 2021 14:54 by ADMIN



in the Typescript bindings, the JQuery $("...").data("kendoXXX") Methods do not include undefined in there return values.

-> in the second script section, it is also documented that it can return undefined, when there is no widget instance found.

It also returns undefined, when the selector doesn't match any element.


Please include undefined in the return values.

Last Updated: 25 Nov 2021 12:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
How about showing a list of tables or views available to End user so that End user can Query on those and get his expected output as a result or Report
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2021 12:02 by ADMIN
Add the ability to apply kendo template on Kendo Grid column reorder while dragging the header. 
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2021 12:01 by ADMIN
Created by: Jim
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Currently the Barcode control support POSTNET bar code.  However the USPS retired this bar code in 2013.  I am suggesting that the POSTNET barcode be replaced with the IMB OneCode barcode that the USPS now supports.
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2021 11:59 by ADMIN
The Kendo Validator cannot be used with the contents of a bound listview because there isn't a way to give unique names to each input. Knockoutjs handles this via the uniqueName binder:

I wrote a custom binder to accomplish this but it would be nice to have a delivered option.

Basically I: 1) locate the parent data-uid and tack that onto the end of the name 2) update all data-for references to match.
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2021 11:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Rubens
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Custom validations are not triggered by blurring the input (as it visually seems), but when the set() method of the underlying model is called to change the value of the edited field.

Possible workaround:

  $('input[name="ProductName"]').bind('blur', function(){
    // get a reference to the built-in validator
    var validator ="kendoValidator");

Last Updated: 25 Nov 2021 11:42 by ADMIN
Make the html date and time controls match the skins for the native Kendo UI look.  This way a form built with Kendo UI will look pleasant across a mixture of html and Keno UI controls.  In some cases it would be better to have the mobile style "scroll" to enter dates and times but the look is off putting.
Last Updated: 22 Nov 2021 14:29 by ADMIN
Created by: Niels
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
I'm using drawing.drawDOM to create a PDF. I have to make a table of contents (TOC) in the beginning of the PDF. 

It would be great if I had the ability to link to the correct section directly from the TOC. 

So <a href="#conclusion">Conclusion</a> and then later <a name="conclusion"></a> would make a link in the PDF so the reader could click on the Conclusion-link in the TOC and jump directly to the conclusion-section.
Last Updated: 22 Nov 2021 14:16 by ADMIN
Created by: Robby Parker
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
The Drawer widget doesn't work in Intel XDK emulator. It works fine on the device using Intel App Preview, but not being able to select an item from the drawer in the emulator kinda is a show-stopper for navigating the app.
Last Updated: 22 Nov 2021 14:16 by ADMIN
Created by: Timothy
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Currently the calling .hide() on a Kendo UI Notification hides all of the instances of that notification. It would be useful to have support for hiding a specific instance, perhaps by 'ID'.

I've accomplished this by using the .getNotifications() method and iterating over the notifications to find the one I wish to close, however built in support would be a timesaver!
Last Updated: 22 Nov 2021 14:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Ed
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Expand Chrome Inspector to allow easy creation of DOJO. In the Inspector, we can see all the options as well as the data for the widget. The created DOJO should be simple (at least to start), meaning local data and all the options. At the very least, the Chrome Inspector should allow copying of the options and the data so pasting into a DOJO is as simple as possible.
Last Updated: 22 Nov 2021 13:41 by ADMIN
Right now on a mobile device it will put just what it needs into the overflow box. I would like to see the ability to force everything into the overflow when it is activated at all.
Last Updated: 22 Nov 2021 13:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Gary
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
It would be great if there was a kendoUI atmosphere package library for Meteor js