The only thing holding us back from investing in Kendo UI is the lack of a styleable scrollbar. You have the most beautiful controls on the market, but they are marred by the mere built-in scrollbars (as rendered by the browser). When do you plan to address the scrollbar? Thank you.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of null↵ at makeWidgetInfo (<anonymous>:94:43)↵ at <anonymous>:507:33 I get this error during reloading the page. I assume this is in your extension.
Like jQuery 2.0, a version that leaves behind the older Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 browsers. In return it is smaller, faster, and can be used in JavaScript environments where the code needed for old-IE compatibility often causes problems of its own
The SignalR demo does not work in IE8. I can add records, but not view changes to records made to them. The error that displays is: Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; InfoPath.3; MS-RTC LM 8) Timestamp: Tue, 7 Oct 2014 15:06:04 UTC Message: Object doesn't support this property or method Line: 29 Char: 13 Code: 0 URI: Please fix your demo.
When creating an element to make into a dropdown you can add the attribute 'required'. Instead of this it would be better if the external wrapper was made required so the browser has an element it can focus on, rather than erroring when the page is submitted and validated by the browser.
f I have a columns like columns: `[{field: "Address.City"}]`, then it fails if Address is null. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'City' of undefined Expected: to handle nulls in parts of path in the same way as nulls in the leaf (e.g. City in this example). Not doing this, means we can't use the default template, sort or group functions on nested properties. Simple Dojo snippet to repro.
This is quite important especially in finance where we would want to overlay graphs with other graphs data for analysis. Also would be good to enhance the controls to have more functionality such as min\max lines etc.
We need to place the axis labels on the tick marks for the column series chart instead of between them.
Hello: I need to move a horizontal column in a grid table, and too i need move a window at the same time. We can do this now? If possible do, what it is the method to do that?
Bug in KendoUI ContextMenu sample See: There is a line of code in this sample: menu.getKendoContextMenu().destroy(); Which seems to use a "getKendoContextMenu()" method which is nowhere to be seen in the sample or the docs. Was it omitted from the sample? "menu" here is: var menu = $("#menu") so it is a jQuery object, so further reason to doubt menu.getKendoContextMenu() is valid.
Mobile Date & Time Pickers would allow much easier use for inputting dates and times into a mobile ui. The web date & time pickers use a drop down that is not the best solution for mobile use.
When setting the 'useNativeScrolling' to true in 'app.js', the rendering of a drawer is effected. Additionally, trying to scroll on the drawer actually scrolls the view (which will be partially off the screen). Some views will not need native scrolling so it would be beneficial to have the option to choose which views use native scrolling and which do not. I am aware there is the data-use-native-scrolling attribute but this seems to have the same problem as 'useNavtiveScrolling' in 'app.js'.
The mobile application exposes an 'init' event when the application has initialised. This would be useful on all UI widgets, especially in circumstances when MVVM is not being used, for example to check whether other widgets are also initialised and perform actions accordingly.
Support for the angular 1.3 version
I am trying to build a dashboard using telerik kendo with at least 3 template and a drop down panel from where i need to drag and drop to those template ... am using <div kendo-sortable class="col-sm-4 placeholder" id="side" k-connect-with="'#main'" k-placeholder="placeholder" k-hint="hint" k-filter="'.widget'" k-on-change="dropped(kendoEvent)" style="width: 180px">...</div> AND <div kendo-sortable class="col-sm-8 placeholder" id="main" k-connect-with="'#side'" k-placeholder="placeholder" k-hint="hint" k-filter="'.widget'" k-on-change="dropped(kendoEvent)">....</Div> but by using this i can create only one template how to create rest.
Taking the example grid in index.html and adapting it so it uses a local data source, I get "Nan - Nan of 3 items" for this source: var movies = [ { title: "Star Wars: A New Hope", year: 1977 }, { title: "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back", year: 1980 }, { title: "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi", year: 1983 } ]; var localDataSource = new{ data: movies }); $("#grid").kendoGrid({ dataSource: localDataSource,
the *.map files in the js directory are excluded by Eclipse. I have yet to figure out why this is. At any rate - they are not yet being returned to the browser
Do not auto hide the notification when notification is hovered.
If Kendo tooltip configured closeToHide: true, then the kendo tooltip only hide when the close (x) icon clicked. The tooltip will still appear if user scroll mouse or click at another area on browser. Currently kendo tooltip will be hide when user scroll mouse or click at another area on browser even if it was already configured autoHide: false