Chart legends should be draggable, so if it overwrites any chart lines, user can drag them away easily.
Allow users to draw shapes and select markers on the maps to perform events.
[ Numeric Text Box ] [ /\ ] [ \/ ] the spinners are small and I would like them to be bigger at the cost of screen space
The library is getting pretty big - lots of great features, but still big. I would love to see the team take some time and offer more options to reduce the size of the ALL and CUSTOM builds. Perhaps look to drop old browser support and do a pass on tightening things up. Set a goal for the team to reduce the library size by 10%.
Kendo Grid Row Filters inputs use autocomplete by default. Because of this the data source is queried on every keystroke in the auto complete. This causes unacceptable performance issues with a large/complex server side data source. I suggest adding a configuration to turn this off, which would cause the data source to only be queried on an enter keystroke.
Add ability for tooltip on chart title text on Mouseover event, So we can provides more details about chart. Current tooltip option is not supported on Kendo chart title text.
I want to display tooltip on category axis of chart on mouse hover event, instead of click event.
The hover in grid has to be on entire row/item, not only in frozen/normal side, as it is now. Office 365 & Nova theme have default support for item hover, but this does not work properly when having frozen columns.
Create UI for XAML. So we can develop "like Silverlight" applications using C#/XAML, UI designer and MVVM but with no javascript, ASP.NET, etc There are thousends of C# developers that dont want to mess with javascript and HTML, it is improductive! is tryting to do this, currently in beta 7 but got of interests they have to raise beta downloads limit. Buy them or implement your own solution. Combination of and KendoUI nice widgets and themes could be awesome and perfect replacement for silverlight and developers that dont want HTML/JS. MS visual basic was popular because it was so easy and fast to create projects with it. We need this kind of fast web development with XAML UI editor etc. Nowadays for a simple project you need a designer(CSS), frontend developer(HTML/JS) and backend developer (C#) at minimum. I have never meet a single developer that likes to work and do the best in those 3 roles. Most C# developers dont like UI, CSS or JS etc.
applying the right-to-left rendering to the exported Excel sheet set excel page layout as rtl
It would be nice if you could left align the yAxis labels in a bar chart. Currently, these are right aligned be default.
We need legend in kendo map for our requirement.
The Kendo community is quite heavily developer-based. But as a designer, I need to create design comps using Kendo as a base for our interfaces. Designers need to have templates they can grab, otherwise designers like myself will have to rebuild what we see on the Demo site in our favorite graphics program. We need .ai/.psd/.sketch versions of the Kendo UI interfaces, even better with skins too (we'll be using Nova as a base).
Currently, the grid automatically enters edit mode when the user presses the [Enter] key. This is difficult to prevent. There could be a kendoGrid configuration setting to disable "edit on [Enter]".
Export to Excel for a lot of data using configurable page size and configurable maximum rows excel: { allPages: true, pageSize: 500, maximumRows: 5000 },
Currently to show the HTML View of Kendo Editor with indents, you need an external JS. This would be nice to have out of the box.
I would like to see a startup seed that would work for the following requirements: visual studio 2015 Microsoft.NETCore Angular 2 Webpack Kendo